Albuquerque Journal Articles
Second in a series “Little Dog” had matted fur and a dangling leg but he was in otherwise good shape, for a 20# canine street urchin. The damage was long past any hope of improvement; only amputation could relieve this boy of his constant ache. With Marty already attached to him I remember thinking that all three of us were lucky to have met. Surgery was uneventful. Little Dog went on to live a long and playful 3-legged life. Pretty soon a nice lady, Jan, began to accompany Marty to Little Dog’s veterinary appointments. It was clear from the start…
Read MoreFirst in a series Frustrations come with every job. I’ve been lucky. Problems that have risked baldness, you know – tearing out my hair – have been followed by good things. Most pets get well. Bonds are forged with their people. Veterinary medicine is challenging but it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. A few years into my life as owner of the Adobe Animal Clinic I’d sent Amos, Heidi, and our other staff home on time, most days, but as we got busier they started looking frazzled. So I hired Mike, a high school student, to come in after…
Read MoreDo you examine your cat’s teeth? That would mean putting him on a table under a bright light with an assistant gently holding his shoulders as you slowly open his mouth big enough to see all of his choppers. Actually, about the only time that really happens is during the annual physical exam. What? Your cat doesn’t see the doctor every year? Don’t feel bad. A lot of cats hate the veterinary clinic. There’s a widespread belief that kitties little need for medical care, that they pretty much take care of themselves. What nonsense! Other than hiding their illnesses they’re…
Read MoreQuestion: I have 2 cats, 10 months old. We have recently let them go outside. A few days ago another cat showed up in our garden. I took my cats inside as I was afraid they were going to fight. They kept hissing at each other through the window. When I went outside to shoo the new cat away she turned out to be very friendly. Should I let my cats outside and see what happens? Dr. Nichol: Your fuzzy visitor knows the difference between a kindly human and a couple of scaredy cats holed up behind a window. She…
Read MoreQuestion: I have a 55# pit mix, Molly, with food guarding. I have pet gates set up for feeding to avoid conflict but recently the gate got left open. Molly walked over to my 10 pound dog to eat her food, the little dog growled and Molly attacked. I intervened immediately and no one was injured. I took Molly to a trainer. They put an electric shock collar on her. This doesn’t sit right with me. Molly was extremely uncomfortable and the shock collar does not seem like a long term solution to me. Dr. Nichol: Most dogs are sure…
Read MoreLast in a series Jamie’s mandatory retirement from obedience competition at age 11 was followed by an acting gig, appearing in the Albuquerque Little Theatre production “Of Mice & Men”, to rave reviews, I might add. Not even the casting director noticed her two missing teeth. Cathy and Jeff have said that she may have been the best dog they ever had – but they’ve thought that of each of their dogs. Jamie was nobody’s fool. She never chased another horse. When Jeff and Cathy went rummaging through stacks of old photos it came to them why Jamie’s massive facial/skull…
Read MoreThird in a series When Jeff and Cathy Robb brought their first collie puppy to me for vaccinations, back in the early 80s, I remember proselytizing on the benefits of training class from my exam room pulpit. They picked up the dog obedience ball and ran with it. When they added Jamie several years later it was clear, early in the game, that they had a stand-out. Jamie was more than a great working dog; she was a cherished pet. In the competition ring she watched Jeff constantly, never missing a cue. At age 11 she was still scoring in…
Read MoreSecond in a series When Amos rolled Jamie, prepped and sleeping, into surgery I was already scrubbed, gowned, and gloved. I remember standing in front of the x-ray view box (pre-digital) studying the films and planning my strategy. Every case is different. A bone plate might have worked well, had that evil equine been a bit more considerate in aiming his kick. We’d play the hand we were dealt. With Jamie’s blood pressure and heart rhythm stable and her breathing steady, I made my approach. Carefully elevating her gums away from the site of her broken mandible I saw the…
Read MoreFirst in a series We were just wrapping up a routine day of limping, itching, and diarrhea (ah, my patients, not me) when Jamie arrived. She’d been frolicking in the pasture with the neighbor horses when she was kicked by a creature 20 times her size. I remember her sad gaze from the treatment table. This 11 year old black and white Australian shepherd was no stranger. Jamie was one of 3 dogs in Cathy and Jeff Robb’s home, each an obedience competitor. They meant everything to their people in part because of the years they had all invested in…
Read MoreQuestion: I was truly dismayed reading your article in the Albuquerque Journal last Sunday. Feral cats are well known to be a major threat to small birds. The numbers of wild birds have dropped in America since researchers began counting in 1970. Some estimates are 30%. If someone had a pet lion or tiger and let it roam the neighborhood hunting children, would that be acceptable? Of course not. You may not want to admit it, but feral cats are an invasive exotic species, just like the Cheatgrass, Salt cedar, and Tumbleweed. You telling people to respect their freedom-loving pets…
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