Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

High Risk Tail Chewing

German shepherd

Question: We have a 12 year old German Shepherd female who started chewing on her tail! She sits on it between her back legs and chews until the hair is chewed…

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Dogs Fouling & Defiling the Home


Do you know an adolescent of full grown dog who still can’t find the bathroom? Maybes he eliminates outside sometimes but not always? Or you have a handyman dog –…

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Unrelenting Urine Busters


Last in a series M. Scott Peck began his seminal book, The Road Less Traveled, with “Life is difficult.” Old Scott was right. Daisy, itchy to the point of agitation,…

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Spank him? Send Him Packing?

We love our pets like little people in furry suits but if they bite, chew, bark, or relieve themselves indoors they need to stop that @#%& right now, don’t they?…

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Cat Attack – Swat, Squirt, Declaw, Rehome?

Kitty Girl Bed

Aggression and destructive behavior are not what we cat lovers have in mind when adopting a pet. Injuries and furniture damage have to stop! Hint: What feels best actually works…

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Dominance? Who’s Really in Charge?

dog petting

Do you need to establish dominance over your dog so he’ll know that you’re in charge? Ah, no, you don’t. Dogs are not man’s and woman’s best friends because they…

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Fireworks Fun? Not so fast

fireworks dog

Jangled by earsplitting blasts, many pets endure almost continual terror. Dogs may hide, tremble, drool, cry, vomit, and urinate or even pass diarrhea. Some will escape their yards. Freaked-out pets…

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Fireworks Fear & Sweaty Paws


Startled by earsplitting blasts, many otherwise stable pets will endure almost continual panic this weekend. A freaked-out dog or cat needs serious relief from fear. I’ll make it easy for…

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Grooming, nail trims, & ear cleaning – ARRGHH!!!

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Some dogs just won’t put up with it. They squirm, struggle, and might even bite. Nobody is having fun. We can get this right without the tears and misery.

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