Teaching a dog to “Drop It”
Teaching a dog to “Leave It”
Add the use of a leash to make it easier for your dog to abandon the wrong item (snake). Rather than jerking the leash you will gently pull it toward the treat reward.
How can I get behavior help from Dr. Nichol?
Dr. Nichol:
The most effective treatment I can provide involves a 2 hour personal consultation with you and your pet. To schedule you can call my office at 505-792-5131. Our staff will gather basic information and then email, fax or mail you a behavior questionnaire. The details you provide will give me a running start so the 2 hours we spend together will be as productive as possible.
What goes on in a behavior consultation?
Dr. Nichol:
I’ll start by getting as clear as I can on the details of your pet’s behavioral and medical history. I’ll conduct a thorough exam to find any subtle physical influences. If a recent lab profile has not been done I may suggest drawing blood and urine at the time.
Once I fully understand the behavioral and physical issues I will give you a full explanation of what’s going on and why. I will then explain the specific research-based instructions for your pet’s behavior modification. For the best chance of success I will custom-fit these methods to you and your pet, to your family, and to the realities and limitations of your life and home. Behavior medications may also be helpful. I encourage people to ask plenty of questions. One hour follow-up consultations in several weeks are valuable in many cases.
After you leave the office I will email you the same instructions we discussed during our consultation in easy-to-follow written form. I’ll also call your regular veterinarian and mail the doctor a report. As you put our behavior plan to work at home you may face bottle necks or questions. You are welcome to email me your concerns anytime. I want your pet to improve as much as possible.
I don't think my pet's behavior problem is that bad. Is there a way of getting shorter, cheaper advice?
Dr. Nichol:
Most behavior disorders in pets are a complex mix of multiple behavioral and environmental factors. Simple solutions based on corrections and punishments are prone to fail because they don’t address the underlying causes. For many dogs and cats these punitive methods increase their fear and damage their relationship with their owners.
But there are some behaviors that are less complex. To address these concerns, and for people who are unsure if they want to invest in a full consultation, I offer dog and cat specific behavior classes several times a year. Click on Behavior Classes for the schedule of upcoming classes.