Subscriber Archive

Feline Safe Haven in an Underarm

October 21, 2024
cat snuggle

Question: I have 2 cats, 2 years old, that I got at a shelter 1 1/2 years ago.  They had at least one feral parent and they are fine except they are almost impossible to be lap cats.  I have one trained to sit on my lap but she is very skittish and finicky.  The other one won’t sit on a lap unless she kneads my female partner’s underarm.  It can get quite irritating. Dr. Nichol: Your kittens might have been cuddle bugs but who they turned out to be was the product of multiple factors. The sensitive period for their socialization to people dogs, and other cats was 2-9 weeks of age. It was during this window of time that their immature brains formed early memories and neural connections that became indelible parts of their personalities. It’s a safe bet that they missed out on exposure to nice folks…

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Big Dog Bloat

October 21, 2024
Big dog

A twisted stomach, filling with gas is a painful medical and surgical emergency. If you have a large breed, deep chested dog you need the facts on bloat, also called gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV).

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Are we Good at This or Just Lucky?

October 14, 2024

I stole a few minutes between appointments to call the hospital phone number Greg Trujillo had given me. I’d committed to updating him on Sadie. I drummed my fingers on the desk while waiting for the receptionist to track him down, knowing my next client was also waiting. When Greg picked up I explained his dog’s so-far, so-good status. It turned out that the same was true for Susan, his wife. The poor guy was stressed to the max. I wished them both godspeed and promised to stay in touch. Sadie’s temperature had dipped to 99 degrees but by 7 PM was hovering around 100 – low normal for her species. Her eyes were open and her paws were moving a little. She hadn’t seizured for several hours. I knew that with overnight care, we had a shot at getting her through this. Under normal circumstances, the pet parent would…

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Puppy crying, barking, chewing

October 14, 2024

Dogs of any age who struggle with Separation Anxiety are miserable – and so are their people. Incessant barking disturbs neighbors; frantic attempts to escape can damage your home. You can spot the signs early and help your puppy adapt.

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Circulatory Collapse, Seizures, 1980s Medicine – Who Won?

October 7, 2024

Third in a series Lying semiconscious in the hot summer sun had driven big, fuzzy, and black-haired Sadie’s temperature into heat stroke territory. Her seizuring ratcheted it to 105. I directed our assistant Doug to pack alcohol-soaked gauze sponges between Sadie’s foot pads to dissipate heat. She also needed treatment for shock, not to mention Golden Malrin fly bait poisoning. With a bit of luck I got an IV started, no easy feat with a dog on the edge of vascular collapse. Amos marked the time on the bottle of lactated ringers and raised it high on the IV stand so it would run fast. (Yes, fluids came in glass back then and, no, infusion pumps had not yet made their debut.) Golden Malrin is a methomyl carbamate toxin. It attracts flies but it can kill anybody. I gave IV atropine to counter its neurologic effects. A series of IV…

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Meeting Dogs: Hand up? Hand Down? Hand Bite?

October 7, 2024
Petting dog

We love dogs and so do our kids. When encountering a canine beauty with a gently wagging tail you want to make friends and rub his fuzzy little head. Are you sure the dog is safe to pet? Its person may think so but they could be wrong.

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Big Dogs in Hot Weather – What Could Go Wrong?

September 30, 2024

Second in a series – There were no cell phones or GPS in the early ‘80s. I had no idea where Susan and Greg Trujillo lived but not to worry.

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Rambunctious, mouthy, wild puppy

September 30, 2024
Rambunctious puppy

Yell? Spray? Teach? Yelling and jerking a leash hurt the heart. Some puppy parents are advised to hit a mouthing/nipping puppy on the nose. But punishment may trigger fear and defensive behavior.

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Big Dog Flies

September 23, 2024
Black dog

First in a series Lots of the pets I’ve treated have lived with horses, cattle, chickens, and goats. And flies. So many flies that fly paper, fly traps, and fly poison are freely deployed in a war of epic proportions. These pests are damaging to creatures great and small. I had just finished examining and vaccinating a cocker spaniel puppy named “Joe” when I attempted friendly conversation with his person, a hirsute young man, of about 25. I asked how he’d chosen his puppy’s name. He hesitated, peering at me from under his bushy mop as though I was dense. Finally he muttered, “Joe Cocker, man.” Oh. I hadn’t made the connection. Martha, the rock of our client service desk, was always at the top of her game. As I emerged from the exam room, feeling not so bright, she took charge. Greg Trujillo had just called about his Newfoundland.…

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