Bringing out the best in a cat or dog is a hands-on task. Seeing it in a video is often better than reading it. My goal with these videos is to make behavior management easier to understand and implement.
We love dogs and so do our kids. When encountering a canine beauty with a gently wagging tail you want to make friends and rub his fuzzy little head. Are you sure the dog is safe to pet? Its person may think so but they could be wrong.
Watch nowYell? Spray? Teach? Yelling and jerking a leash hurt the heart. Some puppy parents are advised to hit a mouthing/nipping puppy on the nose. But punishment may trigger fear and defensive behavior.
Watch nowWe love our pets like little people in furry suits – that’s the way I feel about mine. But if we’re going to get the calm behavior we want we need to speak their language. That includes predictability. If your dog has an anxiety problem – like so many people, that pupster needs a reliable structure. I know you can do this. Believe it or not, we’re actually smarter than our dogs.
Watch nowDo you have a talkative kitty? One who has more to say than ever before? There may be good reason for all that yakking/complaining/crying.
Watch nowCats can be cranky, pesky, and a bit snarky with other pets. Scolding and water spraying doesn’t teach them better behavior. Instead of reacting badly, kitties can have fun with their people by working for clicks and food.
Watch nowHorses and dogs communicate with us – even if we don’t notice. They can love what we do and repay us with joy or they can react badly. Smart dogs and angry horses have lessons for us.
Watch nowTunneling, climbing, running off – OMG! Raise the fence? Electric wire? Let’s figure out why this is happening and help your good dog stay home and succeed. Serious anxiety needs serious care.
Watch nowCats are simpler pets to care for than dogs, right? Uh, no. They are every bit as complex and just as prone to pain as any of us. We can help but we must recognize their needs as early and help them carefully.
Watch nowDogs need to spend time doing dog stuff. They are natural scavengers. They need to use their brains, mouths, and paws to survive. Food-dispensing toys and puzzles keep these little devils occupied because they stimulate their brains. My puppy Mick is working his lunch loose from a Twist & Treat toy.
Watch nowA dog can act out in embarrassing, destructive, or even dangerous ways. If you could just teach them to stop those bad behaviors! Training can help but you’ll need to understand the problem in order to bring out the best.
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