
Bringing out the best in a cat or dog is a hands-on task. Seeing it in a video is often better than reading it. My goal with these videos is to make behavior management easier to understand and implement.

Puppy crazy, jumpy, nippy mouthy

By drjeffnichol | March 4, 2024 | Comments Off on Puppy crazy, jumpy, nippy mouthy
dog biting

Have you thrown a can of pennies? How about yelling and jerking? A different home? You’re breakin’ my heart. It can be much easier and a lot more fun.

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Don’t Let a Good Kitten Go Bad

By drjeffnichol | February 26, 2024 | Comments Off on Don’t Let a Good Kitten Go Bad

House soiling, fighting, furniture damage – you don’t want it. A great cat’s life is not a random event. Good behavior starts with a healthy structure.

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Dog Parks – the Good the Bad & the Ugly

By drjeffnichol | February 19, 2024 | Comments Off on Dog Parks – the Good the Bad & the Ugly
dogs playing

Running and playing with other dogs is good exercise and fun for everybody – unless your dog or someone else’s reacts badly. Should puppies go too?

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New Baby Dog

By drjeffnichol | February 12, 2024 | Comments Off on New Baby Dog

The Nichol family is planning to add a puppy. I’ll share my preparations and training plan. Everybody can win.

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Barking, Yapping, Whining, Yelping

By drjeffnichol | February 5, 2024 | Comments Off on Barking, Yapping, Whining, Yelping
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It’s driving you crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy… Trash and canine trash talking cause more human angst than theft, murders and all the rest of the mayhem.

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Biting & Agitated at the Veterinary Clinic

By drjeffnichol | January 29, 2024 | Comments Off on Biting & Agitated at the Veterinary Clinic
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Most dogs who try to bite or escape in a veterinary clinic are frightened. You can reduce anxiety by slowly and gently leading your dog from behind a squatting doctor. A dog who may bite should wear a basket muzzle. We shot this video with my own dog, Miss America. She has passed on now. She was an excellent actress, not to mention a delightful pet. We miss her still.

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Fowl in Tuscany – Happy, Not Crowded, Not Factory

By drjeffnichol | January 22, 2024 | Comments Off on Fowl in Tuscany – Happy, Not Crowded, Not Factory
free range chickens

Who wants to be crowded like a bunch of sardines, which are quite dead in the can by the way? These chickens and geese enjoy a big enclosure where they can pursue behaviors that are natural to their species, like pecking the ground for bugs and rolling in the dirt. Nobody in this group has their nose in anyone else’s business. Pet lovers take note: adopting too many cats or dogs leads to crowding and stress. Aggression and physical disease are a common result. These happy wing flappers laid really tasty eggs. We just got back from their home at…

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Cat Mischief? Bad Behavior?

By drjeffnichol | December 18, 2023 | Comments Off on Cat Mischief? Bad Behavior?

Cat parents often custom-fit activities for their indoor kitties that keep them engaged in activities that bring out their wildness in good ways. Here’s the lowdown from an excellent cat parent. “The dryer balls got so full of his hair, when used for their original intended purpose, that they were actually “shedding” his hair back on to our clean clothes while in the dryer!  I solved this problem when I replaced them with soft plastic dryer balls and gave him the “furry” ones to play with. The pink “tunnel” is an old pop-up laundry basket (with the bottom removed) that…

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Dogs who Never Listen

By drjeffnichol | December 11, 2023 | Comments Off on Dogs who Never Listen
Mick 1st Place Rally Novice 12-10-23

Just because you love your dog doesn’t mean they do as their told. Frustrating. People yell, jerk the leash, and repeat commands. Any dog can learn to earn its person’s attention, along with tasty snacks. You can have a good time together, like my dog Mick and I do. Have a look at us in Rally competition (like obedience but more fun). Do you notice him watching me with that relaxed tail wag? Sandia Dog Obedience Club in Albuquerque is the place for good dogs to learn better.

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A dog with a Job is Never Bored

By drjeffnichol | December 4, 2023 | Comments Off on A dog with a Job is Never Bored

Mick and his doggy daddy (ah, that’s me) practice our Rally skills twice a day for about 5 minutes each time. You can tell that he loves to earn treats and praise. Then we play “kick ball.” I kick the ball for him to catch mid-air, with a great flourish (Mick’s flourish, not mine.) Rally is an AKC sport similar to obedience but more fun for the dog – person team. We’re entered in our first competition this weekend. Anybody can attend but only the dogs and their people ever show up.

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