Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Bisphenol-A & Hyperthyroidism

Cat Food in Pop Top Cans & other possible Risk Factors Question: I just heard about the possible link between bisphenol-A in pop-top canned cat food and hyperthyroidism.  How can…

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Methimazole Helps Many. Consider the Cures Carefully Question: My 10 year old female cat was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism 2 years ago and placed on oral methimazole 10mg. The dose was too…

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Intermittent Diabetic Symptoms with Mouth Pain

Symptoms are Red Flags; there is Help for Financial Constraints Question: Gritz is an 8 year old cat, weighs 14 lbs. His urine has an overwhelming odor. When he uses…

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The Latest on Feline Diabetes

New Insulin & Better Diets Question: Please write about feline diabetes and its management. Every owner I meet has been told something different by his/her vet. Food is a biggy,…

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The High Cost of Newer Insulin

Many Feline Diabetes can do Fine Without Expensive  Insulin Question: I have a 14 year old diabetic cat. We’ve always used Humulin U insulin. We now use PZI-Vet at a…

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Diabetes in a Cat

When to Feed, What type of Insulin Question: My 14 year old cat has just been diagnosed with diabetes. She is getting 2 units of insulin once a day in…

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Learn about this difficult disease & how best to control it.   Question: My 13-year-old cat has recently been diagnosed with diabetes. My doctor has me injecting him twice a…

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Feline Diabetes

Potentially devastating, it’s nearly always treatable.   Question: I have a male cat about 7 years old who was just diagnosed as diabetic. He has been slowly losing weight and…

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Diabetes & Cushings Disease

Cats who drink & urinate a lot may have diabetes. Some cases are complicated by an additional hormone disorder called Cushings. Both are treatable.   Question: My 9-year-old cat was…

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