Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

The Healthy Dog Who ‘Won’t Eat’

Frequent dog food changes, gas, & dry flaky skin. This fellow needs a consistent diet.   Question: We adopted “Satchmo” a few months ago–he was the featured pup in the…

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Cheap Pet Food is No Bargain

Lower priced diets boast comparisons to the better brands, but you won’t get what you don’t pay for.   Question: I read an article recently in Consumer Reports that said…

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Rawhide Chews

A great way to keep a dog occupied & maintain healthy teeth & gums.   Question: I have a healthy 3 1/2 year old female Great Dane.  She really likes…

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Pig’s Ears

Fine-as long as the pig & the dog aren’t related.   Question: I was wondering if pig ears are bad for dogs.   Dr. Nichol: I’ve always thought that this…

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Bones for Dogs & Other Table Treats

Feed no bones. Eat without your pets. Table food leads to trouble.   Question: Our one-year-old female Jack Russell Terrier might have swallowed some fish bones.  She seems fine, but…

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Corn as the Main Ingredient

Are you crazy? Dogs & cats don’t eat corn in the wild. They need meat, right?   Question: Can animals, dogs and cats, digest corn? I know that in most…

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Maintaining Healthy Weight

Prescription diets r/d &  w/d make it easy to help your pet keep that slim figure.   Question: I have my dog on diet food & he is now @…

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Chocolate Candy & Smoking

Second hand or otherwise this stuff is poison.   Question: Hi. My dog, Bruce, is 5 years old. He likes to eat chocolate. I heard that chocolates are toxic to…

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Overweight Dogs

Low thyroid function is a factor for some obese dogs.   Question: We have a 4 year old male whippet (Echo) with a severe weight problem that we have been…

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