Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Overweight Cat with Food Allergy

No Hypoallergenic Diet Controls Weight. Add Fiber Question: My cat Annabelle was 16.5# of love, but with Science Diet r/d she is now down to 15#. Unfortunately she is showing…

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Fat Cats

Here’s how to enforce a safe & effective diet for the rotund feline.   Question: I have a male cat that weighs 22 pounds.  I have him on lite cat…

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Feed an excellent diet & forget the rest.   Question: Can you tell me your thoughts regarding supplements for young pups? It seems there are differing opinions as to whether…

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Diet: Which Food is Best?

How to tell the good nutrition from the junk. Question: I know someone who feeds her dog people food constantly.  I try to tell her that it is not good…

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Vegetables in the Diet

Great for the humans but dogs need them predigested.   Question: My little terrier loves raw vegetables, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, okra, etc. and fruits-apples, oranges. Will eating these harm her?…

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Table Food-What’s Toxic & What’s Best

You’ll be surprised by what human foods are dangerous to dogs.   Question: Please lists foods that may be or are toxic to dogs. I know about chocolate but my…

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Cat Refuses Canned Food-Holding out for Dry

Failure to Eat, especially for Fat Cats, can be Deadly Question: Our 2 year old cat Zipper REFUSES to eat canned food. He pretends to cover his wet food as…

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Feline Obesity & the Risk of Fatty Liver

Fat Cats Are in Serious Danger Question: I gave a kitten to a cat-loving family about 6 months ago. He was about 2 months old then. Now he’s HUGE. I…

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Dogs Who Don’t Eat Enough

Many Dogs Need Less Food. Coaxing a Dog To Overeat May be Bad for her Health. Question: I have a 3-year-old black German Shepherd that rarely eats. She usually only…

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