Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Varying the Diet-Changing Brands of Pet Food

Variety is the spice of life-but cats can get gas & diarrhea. Pick a good diet & stay the course.   Question: I live alone and my cat is my…

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Milk for Cats

Kitties love milk-But it’s not part of a balanced diet-Unless you’re a calf   Question: I am in first grade and have an assignment that is asking why cats like…

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Slow Heart Rate during Anesthesia

Preventable with Medications, a Diagnosis is still Essential Question: I have a 15 year old terrier cross. She is very healthy, however the last time I had her teeth cleaned,…

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Laryngeal Paralysis can be Life Threatening

Surgery can be a Life Saver Question: Our Keeshond has laryngeal paralysis, acts like he is gagging all the time, and when he gets excited he lies down literally gasping…

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Fainting German Shepherd

Heart Disease, the most Likely Cause, may Result in Sudden Death Question: Do dogs faint?  Yesterday I noticed my 6 year old female German Shepherd appear to faint twice.  We…

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Dusty Cat Litter can cause Respiratory Disease Flare-Ups

Premium Quality Clumping Litter is Safest Question: I recently switched from using clay litter to clumping litter.  I noticed that it’s extremely dusty when pouring it into the litter box. …

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Coughing Older Dog

Congestive Heart Failure is Common & usually Responsive to Treatment Question: My dog is 16 years old and has not been to the vets in a long time. He has…

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Update on Canine Influenza

Canine Flu Vaccine Available By now we’re all aware of the H1N1 swine flu. Canine flu (H3N8), while not contagious to humans, is also on the upswing. Fortunately New Mexico’s…

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Dog Flu

A Possible Serious Epidemic-Dogs have No Natural Immunity Dog lovers need to be aware of a new infectious disease called dog flu. So far there have been no cases identified…

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