Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Excessive Barking Inside and Out

It’s tough to live with a dog who barks incessantly. If animal control shows up you have to act fast. Don’t wait until you’re out of options but be careful…

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Why Dogs Are Destructive

It’s always the most loving dogs who damage their homes when left alone, causing their people tremendous angst. How could your smart and strongly-bonded best friend, who worships the ground…

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Dogs Who Are Destructive When Left Alone

There can’t be anything more frustrating than coming home, every day, to the wreckage of what was once your nice stuff. These dogs are clingy with their people but overwhelmed…

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Destructive Behavior

Some dogs damage their owner’s stuff habitually. Destroyed shoes, mangled furniture, excavated landscaping, and garbage strewn around the house are maddening and expensive behaviors. No amount of scolding or punishment…

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Dogs That Soil Around People

Have you known a scared dog who urinates when people try to say hello? Or how about one who’s out of his mind with excitement and dribbles? Then there are…

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One Day House Training For Your Puppy

(This is a basic explanation I have written as general information. Please ask your dog not to be offended by my use of the pronoun she if your dog is…

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Soiling When Your Dog Is Alone

A whole lot can happen in your dog’s life while you’re away. You can manage bathroom etiquette infractions effectively with kindness and empathy. There is no way for a dog…

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Stealth Canine Soiling

A dog who sneaks off to do odd jobs may be the most maddening creature to have as a housemate. If you’ve already made the mistake of hauling him to…

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Child Safety Around Dogs

Your dog can be gentle with adults but have fear, territorial, or food aggression toward children. The home is the site of 85% of dog bites to children, 75% of…

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