Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Cat frat hazing or attempted murder?

black cat

First in a series Karen and Richard loved “Larry” and Curley”, a couple of fuzzy BFFs who’d shared their home with them since kittenhood eight years earlier. Everybody snuggled. It…

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Cats who Hate each other’s Guts

cats fighting

Dangerous cat fights can worsen fast. Some cats belong together; others don’t. Keep the peace and learn how to give them space from each other.

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Can a scared cat risk a doctor visit?

scared cat

Pet lovers are kind and empathic folks. This is good for more than just our cats and dogs. We are healthier humans for bringing out the best in others –…

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Dog on Furniture – Get Off!

dog on furniture

Dogs who are told to get off the furniture repeat their crimes when the boss is out of sight. Consistency and kindness matter.

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If it Looks, Smells & Tastes Like food, It Might be Dangerous

Christmas pet

The time honored American tradition of conspicuous Christmas consumption isn’t just for humans. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center provides the following list of holiday hazards for pets: Alcoholic beverages,…

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Holiday Pet Angst: Naughty or Nice?

Christmas dogs

Do your pets crack under holiday pressure? Together we’ll reach peace on earth.

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Intense Fear PTSD in Dogs

golden retriever

Severe reactions, nightmares, escape attempts; even aggression can indicate PTSD in dogs. Harsh training methods or physical trauma can provoke this lifelong disorder. There is help for this tough problem.

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Bald Tail Embarrassment


Question: I show mini dachshunds and have a bald tail which urgently needs some hair. He did have folliculitis and follicular hyperplasia, which were treated with cortisone and antibiotics and…

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Biting puppy causing people pain

woman holding dog

Question: We have a smart, beautiful 5-month-old collie. He has the bad habit of always wanting his mouth on us, usually biting. He’s not mean at all. It just seems…

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