Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Hair Loss – Bad Sign

The Road to Fatty Liver Disease Question: Hermione, our 11 year old long haired calico, was diagnosed with hepatic lipidosis. She received a month of treatment per our veterinarian. We…

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Thyroid Poisoning from Blue Buffalo & Wellness Dog Food

Don’t Wait for Symptoms-Have your Dog Examined & Tested FDA consumer alert: “Federal officials are warning consumers and veterinarians to be on alert for potentially deadly hyperthyroidism in dogs that…

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Putting Catnip Toys in Food Bowl

An Enriched Indoor Life would Improve Kitten’s Well-Being Question: My daughter has a 6 month old Tonkinese kitten.  She brings any toy with catnip in it to her food bowl. …

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Unruly Young Dog can Learn to Behave

A Head Halter is a Great Leadership tool Question: I read the post on your facebook page about the Pyrenees/Anatolian shepherd and felt an instant kinship! Our 1 year old…

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Matted Elderly Cat

Consider Mouth Pain from Dental or Kidney Disease Question: My long haired cat (Ragdoll) will be 16 this month. He gets badly matted. I have tried cutting out the mats,…

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Choke Collars Carry Risks

Head Halters are Safe and Effective Question: How do you feel about choke collars for dogs? Dr. Nichol: You ask a complex question with behavioral as well as physical implications.…

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Swollen, Puffy Ear Flap on a Cat

Ear Mites Cause Pain & Injury Question: Hey my name is Christina and I live in North Carolina. I have a tom cat his name is Checkers. Tuesday I saw…

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“Dodo” would Thrive with a Healthier Name

Attitudes toward Animals Matter Question: I’m concerned about the dog Dodo mentioned in your 2/10/17 column. “Dodo” can mean a stupid person, not one who might warrant respect.  Or someone…

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Circling Dog with Head Tilt

Inner Ear Infection vs. a Brain Disorder Question: My dog is 4 years old, weighs 4 kilograms, no fever, his name is Dodo. Yesterday, he could not go straight but…

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