Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Cancer of a Dog’s Spleen

A Bleeding Malignancy: Painful and Life-Ending Question: My 17 year-old beagle was diagnosed with a splenic tumor last week. She has arthritis in her hips and knees. She is too…

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Cat Lip Lesion & Diarrhea

Allergic Causes respond to Diet + Medication Question: Our 4 year old Maine Coon cat, Pippi, has suffered with indolent ulcers that are under control with Hill’s z/d. In January,…

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Hot Spots & Maggots

Older Pets Outdoors are at Risk Are you eating your breakfast as you read this? If you don’t have a strong stomach you may want to enjoy a news story…

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Almost always a Failure; Uncover & Treat the Cause Instead Last week, on this very page, I advised the owner of a barking dog to conduct a trial of daily…

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Why is my year-old dog barking all the time?

Question: I have a Pyrenees/Anatolian shepherd who is 1 year old. He barks constantly. If nothing is out there to bark at, he barks at birds and such. My husband…

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Xylitol is Dangerous for Dogs

Get Serious about Pet Proofing Do you know what xylitol is? If you’re a dog owner it’s time you did. Here is the story of a family that understood the…

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Dog Eats Clothing, Towels, & Bedding

Consider Physical or Behavioral Causes Question: Our Siberian husky eats towels, clothes, bedding – had surgery yesterday to remove a hand towel from his small intestine. 3 incisions later and…

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Cat Rescued from Electric Pole

Electrocuted and Concussed “Chico” Survives Last week I shared tales of a few foolish felines who reached heights they could hardly handle. Here’s the story of “Chico”, told by his…

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Cats Rubs Off her Whiskers

Allergies & Mange need Medical Attention Question: We got our cat, LuLu, from a shelter 10 months ago when she was 8 months old. She has always liked to have…

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