Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Xylitol is Not Your Dog’s Friend

Read Labels of Prepared Foods & Snacks Have I ever mentioned that dogs and cats are not little people in furry suits? Oh, sure, they’re like us in lots of…

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Teaching a Cat to Come when Called

Motivate, have Fun, Never Punish Question: My nine month old kitten will not come when I call her. My other two cats come when they are called and for supper.…

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Fear, Excitement & Submissive Urination

Reduce the Triggers, Reinforce Calm Behavior, & Medication Question: We rescued a beautiful female 18 month old shepherd/whippet from the Taos shelter. She had been left in the backyard by…

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Diabetic Complications

Seizures are a Major Challenge Question: Our 13 year old cat had been a diabetic for 9 months. We dropped her off for boarding but later received a call that…

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Dog Eats Only Frankfurters

Establish Health Status before Providing Dog Food Only Question: We have a dog that we have difficulty feeding. He is a very finicky eater. Most of the time he’ll eat…

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Replace a Deceased Cat or Allow Remaining Cat to be “Friendless”?

Young Cats are More Likely to Accept a Newcomer Question: In May 2011, I adopted two female cats.  The younger one is five now and has always been energetic and…

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Dog Freaks Out on Car Rides

Cover the Crate & apply Adaptil Wipes Question: Our Puggle is 4 years old. She is a fabulous dog . Just one problem. She goes crazy in a vehicle especially…

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Senior Cat Afraid of Handling

Sedation is Safer for Medical Care Question: I have a 15 year old cat who cannot stand to be touched by hands. He got extremely traumatized when he was neutered…

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Parvo: Avoiding Risk with Socialization

Vaccinated Puppies & Adult Dog make Safe Friends Question: I am getting an 8 week old Lab puppy. I already have an older Lab who is fully vaccinated. I am…

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