Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Aggression between Family Cats following Surgery

Separate Warring Cats, then Reintroduce Carefully Question: I have a brother and a sister cat. They used to be very loving to each other by sleeping, playing, and cuddling. Then…

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The Time has come to let go of a Terminally Ill Dog

This Gut Wrenching Decision is an Essential Last Gift Question: My 16 1/2 year old cocker spaniel suffers from dementia, rear leg myelopathy, food sensitivity, abnormal kidney levels, a cataract,…

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Elderly Cat: Big Appetite and Dilated Pupils could mean Thyroid Tumors

Feline Senior Citizen needs a Thorough Geriatric Workup Question: I have a senior Siamese going on 17 years. She has eaten Iams dry food all her life, turning her nose…

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Pomeranian with Anal Gland Pain

Impacted A/G may be Sore following Expression Question: I have a 5 year old female Pomeranian, who was expressed yesterday. She is still whipping her head around to get to…

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Advancing Rear Lameness in a Cat

Heart Muscle Disease a likely Cause Question: My poor Abby who is still a youngin at 5 years old is having severe problems walking. She is an indoor only cat…

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Hound Dog Chewing Nails & Ears

Allergies are the #1 Cause Question: We have a Red Bone Coon Hound who is 18 months old. He chews his ears and toenails. He was a rescue dog about…

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Male Cat Mounting & Terrorizing other Pets

Determine that Neutering was Complete Question: My cat is ten years old. This last year he has been climbing on the back of another male cat that we have (who…

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Dogs Fighting on Owners’ Bed

Everybody is at Risk; Dogs should Sleep on Floor Question: I have 2 male Chihuahuas, father and son. They have always slept with us. The older one growls when the…

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Socially Isolated New Kitten

Enrich the Environment for a Full Feline Live Question- I have 5 cats and 5 months ago, I saved 3 kittens that were 3 days old. I just adopted 2…

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