Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Fecal Soiling & Fireworks

Litter Pan Choices & Fear Avoidance Question: Last year during the July 4 fireworks, my 5 year old cat tried to use the litter box, messed on himself, and got…

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Canine Distemper Spreading Fast

Vaccination is Critically Important Veterinarians in New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas have seen a significant uptick in canine distemper cases. The Humane Society of Southern Arizona in Tucson had so…

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Sticky Matted Hair in an Older Cat

Kidney Failure may Cause Excessive Licking While oooing and ahhing at the beautiful and peaceful new Cattery at Animal Humane last week I was asked about a 17 year old…

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Barking when Alone a Sign of Separation Distress

Food Toys can make a Difference Question: We have a 9 year old Shih Tzu that has started barking when we leave her alone. We leave the TV on, give…

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Puppy Eats Tortoise Poop

Disgusting but most likely Harmless Question: Our large back yard is shared by our Russian tortoise and our 5 pound (11 month old puppy) poodle. As soon as “Tortie” came…

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Cat with Swollen Ear Flap

Mites or Other Infections are the Primary Cause Question: We took our cat to the vet due to noticing his ear was down and swollen. The vet reassured us his…

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Video-Predatory Aggression Against a Child

Heroic Family Cat Derailed a Tragedy Question: I keep seeing this video everywhere and hearing lots of theories about the dog’s behavior. The dog is completely unprovoked, but it also…

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Defensive Aggression toward Strangers

Teach Improved Behavior with Gentle Guidance Question: I just got a dog that was free. He is overly aggressive plus I think he was mistreated. He responds to me but…

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Dietary Treatment for Kidney Failure gets a Major Boost

Leash in hand, we blissfully soak up the sun on a healthy walk while our dogs are busy cavorting and scavenging for scraps of, well, maybe we don’t want to…

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