Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Feline Fatty Liver Disease

Obesity is Dangerous Question: Hermione, our 11 year old long haired calico, was diagnosed with hepatic lipidosis. She received a month of treatment per our veterinarian. We then made a…

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Cat Killed in Yard

Coyotes may be Responsible. Rule out Involvement of Dogs Question: We raised two LGD puppies with sheep — neither of them showed aggression toward anything — not chickens, cats, sheep,…

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Paralysis of a Dog’s Face

Idiopathic Facial Paralysis is a Lifelong Condition Question: One of my tenants has a heartbreaking situation with her precious 8 year old golden retriever mix. Half of the dog’s face…

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Cat Wakes Owner at 3 AM

Add Feline-Specific Activities Question: Stinky, at the age of 5 months, adopted us by walking in the back door.  The weird thing is his habit of waking me at 3…

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Veterinary Fees Cause Pet Owner Angst

Ask Questions & Make Informed Choices Question: I am writing to you to vent my frustration toward the excessive fees charged by veterinarians. We took our pet for a routine…

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Lick Wounds on Front Legs of Dogs

GI Disease Underlies Most Question: My dog recently had a lick granulomas removed by laser. He was placed in an e-collar. When I take off the collar for him to…

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Cat Frightened of Humans

Quiet Enticements and Anxitane can Help Question: We got our 2nd cat last August, a beautiful female calico about 3 years old. Her name is Sweety. She has been abused…

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Unhealthy Cat Diets: Blindness and Heart Disease

Taurine is a Critical Nutrient Like humans thriving on a healthy diet, properly fed pets feel better and live longer. If you have a creative bent with nutrition or a…

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Clipper Burns

Heal well with Careful Treatment Question: We have a Rhodesian ridgeback, chow, Sheppard mix. I made the error of shaving his coat. Now these red bloody abrasions keep appearing. Dr.…

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