Albuquerque Journal Articles

Anal (rear end) Irritation

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Anal (rear end) Irritation

Impacted anal glands make a dog scoot and/or lick his/her rear end. Relief is simple but important.   Question: I have a daschund (wienie dog, female) about 7 years old. She seems to be trying to scratch here anus, and unfortunately see can’t seem to reach. She’s a tad over weight. She even drags or circles on the floor in a futile attempt to scratch. I do not find the usual suspects of fleas or ticks. I don’t see any signs of worms. I have sprayed her for fleas. None of this seems to help. Even baths do not seem…

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Rattlesnake Bites

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Rattlesnake Bites

Vaccines & Training are Available but Vigilance is the Best Preventative Question: My wife was walking our dog Sasha on an asphalt path and came upon an immature rattle snake. Sasha got nipped on the nose. Within 20 minutes Sasha was admitted to the ICU. She spent two nights hooked up to IVs and given antibiotics. It was a very scary experience (for us, too!). Please warn your readers to be vigilant when walking your pets around open fields. Dr. Nichol: Rattlesnakes are a truly serious threat; 150,000 dogs and cats are bitten annually in the US. Young snakes are…

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Wet Noses

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Wet Noses

Wet nose, dry nose-no big deal.   Question: Should my cat have a wet nose?  In the mornings, his nose is wet.  He did have an upper respiratory infection when I got him at the shelter.   Dr. Nichol: Assuming the infection has resolved your cat can have a wet nose because of excessive tearing. Are you making your cat upset? Does he read romance novels in bed? Some of my best friends have wet noses and I’m not complaining.

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Rattlesnake Vaccine

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Rattlesnake Vaccine

A new vaccine by Red Rock Biologics can reduce the risk of painful injury and death from rattlesnake bites in dogs. The vaccination is given in two doses about one month apart. To remain effective it is boostered every 6 months; a good idea since rattle snakes may be encountered year ’round in New Mexico. Possible vaccine side effects can include an allergic reaction and swelling at the site of the injection.   Just because your dog lives here doesn’t mean he has to have this; more vaccinations aren’t always better. An immunized dog who is bitten should still get…

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Senior Dog Dropping Stools Inside

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Senior Dog Dropping Stools Inside

Joint Pain makes it Hard to get Outside Question: 15 year old terrier/collie mix is losing control of anal muscles. Has difficulty holding squat position. Outside walks in straight line, dropping as she goes. Occasionally drops several “bombs” in house without meaning to. Looks sheepish. Have not scolded her.   Dr. Nichol: Thank you for not punishing your senior dog for her bombing missions. She knows she’s breaking the rules but her tired old joints hurt so much she just can’t get outside in time.   Joint pain is common in geriatric dogs, especially those who are large breed or…

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Snake Bites

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Snake Bites

Also covered in the Snake Bites section of this book, this answer will provide additional detail.   Question: Last year my friend’s dog got snake bit. I have a new puppy and we plan to hike a lot and it’s already getting warm. What happens if we find a snake? What should I do if my puppy gets bit?   Dr. Nichol: This is a subject that strikes fear into the hearts of most of us. The type of snakes you might run into has everything to do with the part of the country where you plan to hike. Coral…

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Old Dog Anorexia & Weight Loss

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Old Dog Anorexia & Weight Loss

Forget Tempting Treats-Get Medical Attention for that Sick Senior Dog Question: In January my 16-year-old dachshund/cocker cross stopped eating her dry dog food. Canned food caused her to have diarrhea and vomiting. Now she’s eating very little.  She’s very thin, and I’d like to know what I can feed her that might help her gain a few pounds.   Dr. Nichol: I can tell how much you love this girl. The reason for her weight loss and poor appetite is that she’s sick. No amount of tasty morsels will make her well. She could have cancer, organ failure, or a…

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Valley Fever

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Valley Fever

Bone Lesions can only be Controlled with Long Term Medication Question: After we moved to Tucson in 2002 our Keeshond developed Valley Fever which didn’t invade his lungs or spine, but led to almost complete disintegration of his bones in his front legs. He stays on fluconizole for 4 months or so, then his titer is normal, so he goes off it.  About six months later he starts going lame again, so the titer is run, he goes on the drug for 4-5 months. When he is on the drug, he acts like a young kid again, running and bounding around.  Is…

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Overweight Dogs Stealing Food

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Overweight Dogs Stealing Food

Overweight Dogs Stealing Food Food Competition is Normal-Feed Separately Question: I have two dogs who eat each other’s food nearly every day to the point where the lab is becoming over weight. I try to catch them “in the act” but that’s not always possible. What can we do to help them?   Dr. Nichol: Dogs are competitive eaters for a reason. Despite the abundance of food in your home your two Labs are sure a famine will be starting in about 20 minutes. Competition for food is the reason obesity is common in multiple dog households.   Feed your…

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Sudden Blindness in a Dog

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Sudden Blindness in a Dog

SARDS is Incurable Question: We discovered a few weeks ago our Brittany dog, Val, is experiencing SARDS, Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome. I am devastated at how quickly he is losing his eyesight. He is only 8 years old and in good health otherwise.   It is difficult to see how confused he is. His activity level has dropped dramatically. He used to love to hunt lizards but now I’m afraid he’ll scratch his eye since he can’t see if something is going to poke him.   Dr. Nichol: I’m really sorry to hear about Val’s blindness. Like anybody who…

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