Albuquerque Journal Articles

Overweight Dogs & Cats

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Overweight Dogs & Cats

R/d is the Best Way to Shed the Pounds & Prevent Serious Disease Question: Is Science diet r/d formula equal to the prescription r/d? Can I buy this r/d food anywhere else besides my vet?   Dr. Nichol: The prescription diets (r/d and others) are made by Hills Science Diet. R/d is the best weight reduction diet I’ve ever known. (Just look at my girlish figure.) R/d’s big difference, compared with “light” diets, is that it’s much higher in fiber and a lot lower in fat. It’s actually fat deficient, requiring overweight pets to use up some of their stored…

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Chronic Discharge from One Eye is Potentially Dangerous

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Chronic Discharge from One Eye is Potentially Dangerous

Let Go of Fears of Expense or Losing Cat-Get Treatment ASAP Question: A homeless, male tabby that comes by our home is such a sweet boy. Poor Goober has had a very bad infection in one eye for about 3 weeks. It’s very pink and it looks raw. I came close to hauling him to the animal hospital but I’m afraid they’ll fine us (he’s not really our kitty and he’s not microchipped). I’m not prepared to pay hundreds of dollars. What if they decide to keep him or euthanize him? I just want some medicine for Goober. Dr. Nichol: Goober…

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Swelling of the Abdomen, Weight Loss, & Yellow Gums

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Swelling of the Abdomen, Weight Loss, & Yellow Gums

Advanced liver disease can be deadly but many cases are manageable.   Question: Our beautiful old dog is getting a little weak. And her stomach is getting big but when I feel her head and her back, she’s skin and bones. When you push on her stomach, it’s soft and mushy. She still feels pretty much OK but I also notice that her gums are a little bit yellow. Why is her belly big?   Dr. Nichol: I’m glad you are getting advice. This old girl needs help for what sounds like liver failure. Let me explain.   The liver…

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Eye Discharge

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Eye Discharge

Don’t goof around at home. See the doctor fast.   Question: I just noticed today that my cat’s eyes were tearing and one was infected with green pus.  Is there any way that I can treat her myself? She is kept indoors.   Dr. Nichol: Please do NOT monkey around with eye disease. Discharge coming from just one eye suggests a possible injury to that eye. Without thorough diagnosis and appropriate treatment she could end up with big time pain and blindness. Go directly to the nearest veterinarian. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.     233d Question:…

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Excessive Drinking is a Critically Important Symptom

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Excessive Drinking is a Critically Important Symptom

A Thorough Diagnostic Workup is Essential for Life Question: My 7-year-old Akita mix has started drinking a lot of water. He was tested for diabetes and Cushing’s and results were negative. Is there something else that can be causing him to be so thirsty?   Dr. Nichol: Your dog’s excessive drinking (polydipsia) (CQ) is critically important; you may lose him if the cause isn’t fully understood soon. A heavy thirst is usually compensation for too much water lost in the urine. It’s dangerous in part because your dog becomes mildly dehydrated requiring him to drink a whole lot just to…

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Cushing’s Disease

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Cushing’s Disease

Often Difficult to Diagnose & Treat, Cushing’s is fairly Common Question: I lost a 9-yr-old Boston Terrier to Cushing’s disease. What is that? Could I have done something to save her? Should I have recognized early symptoms? Dr. Nichol: I am so sorry for your loss. I’ve seen other grieving pet lovers second-guess themselves. I hope a few answers will help.   Cushing’s disease results either from excess hormone production from the adrenal glands or from overdosing of corticosteroid medications like prednisone. The adrenals, which sit next door to the kidneys, regulate essential electrolytes and produce adrenaline, cortisol, and low…

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Dog Only Eliminates in One Location

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Dog Only Eliminates in One Location

Here is how to Train to Eliminate Anywhere Question: We adopted a puppy in March at 3 months old. We had no problem house training Duke. The problem is he will not eliminate when we take him for a walk, go hiking, go to the dog park, etc. He will hold until we get home and he went to the area we trained him to eliminate. How can I train him to eliminate when we take him for a walk or hiking?   Dr. Nichol: Duke follows the letter of the law. He connects that one location in your yard…

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Addison’s Disease

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Addison’s Disease

Poorly functioning adrenal glands produce low amounts of the body’s cortisol. Learn the signs of this disease. Also know how to recognize trouble with medication dosages.   Question: My 5 year old mixed breed dog was diagnosed with Addison’s disease last August. He is currently on 5 mg. Prednisone and 5 mg. Florinef daily. Since he started these medications he has been experiencing excessive urination, mostly when he is asleep. Is there something I can do to control this? I have several other pets so reducing his water intake would be difficult. Any suggestions you might have would be greatly…

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Pets Need You to Plan for their Care in the Event You Die First

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Pets Need You to Plan for their Care in the Event You Die First

Caretaker has no $ for Dog’s Expensive Eye Medication Question: I hope you will remind your readers about the importance of making provisions for their beloved pets should they die before the pets. A friend recently diagnosed with terminal liver cancer committed suicide last week. Prior to that, I promised him I would care for his two dogs (he had originally planned to kill them first).   I had no idea one of the dogs is on Xalatan (a $100 vial lasts three weeks). He did not give me a clue about the cost. It is an exorbitant expense for…

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Screwtail in a Bulldog

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Screwtail in a Bulldog

Cursed with funky, misshapen vertebrae, Bulldog tails can plug the anus.   Question: Help! My bulldog has screwtail. I’d never heard of such a thing. What do I do?   Dr. Nichol: Screwtail is a problem seen in brachcephalic dog breeds (pushed-in faces like bulldogs and pugs). It’s caused by malformed vertebrae in the tail that cause it to grow in the shape of a corkscrew. It’s a problem if it grows in such a way that it interferes with the dog passing stool from the anus. It has also been a problem in bulldogs if the tail creates a…

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