Child canine leadership
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As Scott slowly recovered from distemper he began to eat on his own and even play. It was a huge relief; my best friend was going to be OK. To my parents, though, he was “a dog.” Actually, they were right.
We love our pets like little people in furry suits, so shouldn’t they comport themselves like good children? Canine brains are hard-wired differently. Scott was genetically programmed to point and retrieve birds with mental focus, along with a generous helping of physical stamina. Confined to the kitchen, only allowed outside on-leash to prevent damage to the suburban landscaping, he was a fish out of water. Maybe I should have raised guppies instead. Not!
I was clueless and, sadly, so were my parents. Scott’s house soiling and woodwork chewing were “bad behaviors.” I did my best. We tugged on chew toys together and played ball outside but none of that was a substitute of the work he required.
Unwanted behaviors certainly need to change but like any disorder, it’s the underlying cause that merits serious attention. Corrections and aversive punishments don’t solve confusion, especially for a pet floundering in a barren environment. Our 3 bedroom, 1 ½ bath house in the burbs didn’t feel contrived to us but it wasn’t a great fit for a dog who would have thrived in open fields working for a bird hunter.
I did what I could to bring out the best. I gave Scott scrap lumber to chew. I told him he was good when he relieved himself outside. But the poor guy was not set up to succeed. His child leader wasn’t either.
Well-intentioned pet lovers shouldn’t feel guilty for their mistakes. We do what we can with what we know at the time. Frustration and anger lead nowhere; there is almost always a path to wellbeing. Back in the dark ages of my youth there was no credible research yet; veterinary behavior medicine didn’t exist. But even then Scott’s intensity could have been shifted to “junior handler” obedience classes with the boy who loved him, and even competition. It’s 2025 now. We’ve learned a lot. Search my website,, for help.
For help with behavior problems, you can sign-up for a Zoom Group Conference on my website,
Dr. Jeff Nichol is a residency-trained veterinary behaviorist. He provides consultations in-person and in groups by Zoom ( Each week he shares a blog and a video to help bring out the best in pets and their people. Sign up at no charge at Post pet questions through my website, or by US Post to 4000 Montgomery Blvd. NE, Albuq, NM 87109.