Daily Dog Care
The Basics
What do you have to do to take care of a dog daily?
Dr. Nichol:
This is a great question. Give excellent food in two measured feedings each day. Pick it up when he or she walks away from it. If you have more than one pet, feed them at the same time but in separate places so they can’t see each other. This prevents competitive eating which leads to obesity. Water: Clean the bowl and refill with fresh water at least twice daily. Pets drink more when the water is fresh. This reduces wear on the kidneys and promotes strong immunity and long life.
Restroom activities: Make it possible for your dog to get outside at least every few hours. If he or she can’t urinate often the risk of bladder and kidney disease will escalate. Add a good brisk walk or other regular exercise and life will be darn near perfect-unless your dog is goal oriented. In that case I recommend a college savings plan.