Dr. Nichol’s Podcast – Living Gracefully, Together in a Crowd
A peaceful existence is difficult for a lot of us in today’s world. I know a place where strife and acrimony are rare. For Grace, getting up and around is becoming increasingly difficult because she has a bad back and structurally incorrect knees. But she acts as though no one has told her she’s handicapped. She runs and sniffs and eats and plays with the other free-ranging 24-30 dogs. If you stand back and observe you see them making allowances, giving her a clear path. She is one of them. She belongs.
Grace’s good life, as a disabled pint-sized member of a big, active canine social group, would seem anomalous but not if you understand what and who dogs are. Pet dogs, like yours and mine, don’t need to move to a wonderful animal sanctuary to reach nirvana. Despite the limited indoor and outdoor space of our homes they can have their own haven where nobody will approach or hassle them.
The Heart and Soul Animal Sanctuary does wonderful work. They welcome and deeply appreciate your support. Visit their website www.animal-sanctuary.org to learn more. Donations are tax deductible.
I hope you find this story of Grace and her good life to be valuable. You’re welcome to share this blog with any of your pet-loving friends. Each week I share a short video, a podcast, or a blog to help bring out the best in pets and their people. You can sign up at no charge on my website www.drjeffnichol.com. And when you do, I’ll send you my free at-home pet first aid and CPR guide.
Thanks for your dedication to your pets. I’m Dr. Jeff Nichol.