Puppy picking – a life choice
Second in a series
Father and son trundled off in the family station wagon to a somewhat dilapidated quasi-farm. In the corner of an ancient barn sat a plywood enclosure of delightful Britanny puppies scampering around their haggard-looking mama. Looking back, it’s clear how badly she needed a break from the unrelenting demands of puppy production.
Because I was a boy it somehow made sense to me that a male puppy would be a good choice. The first cuddler to hop into my lap was my immediate BFF. My father’s childhood cocker spaniel was named Scott; my dog would be his namesake. I was the luckiest kid on the planet. I am older now, wiser and a bit battle scarred, but still lucky.
Now it was time for Responsibility. No more fun and games. Vaccinations for puppies, a concept in its infancy at the time, got my attention next. I read about distemper. We didn’t want that.
Grownups often asked me, as they do most kids, what I wanted to be when I grew up. Really? Should I have known my destiny by third grade? I loved animal shows on TV but Westerns glorified aggression so, of course, my plan was to become a gunslinger, interspersed with my sheriff and fireman phases. That kid stuff was about to change. An appointment was made.
When young Scott and I arrived at the Harper Woods Veterinary Hospital we were met by a young Dr. Lyle Tuck. I remember him to this day. He was kind to me and my new puppy. He performed a thorough exam and carefully explained the vaccination procedure. I listened intently while silently marveling at this medical setting. Science, medicine, working with pets and nice people? OMG!
Dr. Tuck encouraged us to have the relatively new distemper vaccine for Scott. We could reduce his risk of contracting this nasty disease but there would be no guarantee. My father bought-in so, of course, I did too. As I walked away, leash in-hand, my mind was turning. Could I be an animal doctor, helping pets and their people?
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Dr. Jeff Nichol is a residency-trained veterinary behaviorist. He provides consultations in-person and in groups by Zoom (drjeffnichol.com). Each week he shares a blog and a video to help bring out the best in pets and their people. Sign up at no charge at drjeffnichol.com. Post pet questions through my website, drjeffnichol.com/contact/ or by US Post to 4000 Montgomery Blvd. NE, Albuq, NM 87109.