Retained Baby Teeth

Early Extraction is Safest

I discovered that Rocky (5 month old Jack Russell) is growing his adult canine teeth however his baby teeth are not coming out. Will they come out on their own later?

Dr. Nichol:
Retained baby (deciduous) teeth is a common bump in the road of adolescence for small breed dogs. Those little choppers will not fall out on their own. If they’re allowed to stay beyond the toddler phase, the much bigger permanent teeth will arrive right next door. Food particles, hair, and even plant material can get jammed in the gap between them. This can cause acute embarrassment, especially when photos are taken with Santa.

Normally, it is the emergence of the adult teeth that pushes the baby teeth out. Watchful waiting would result in painful inflammation of Rocky’s gums and possible tooth loss. According to board certified veterinary dentist Dr. Kris Bannon, retained deciduous teeth should be extracted just as soon as the adult teeth make their earliest appearance. Ask your veterinarian to handle it ASAP. It’s a simple procedure but it will require a short anesthesia.