Subscriber Archive

Stimpy Avoided his Problems. Good Stimpy

October 9, 2023
food puzzle

Third in a series Which of these statements is true? (a) Some dogs try to dominate their people and need us to keep them in line. (b) Dominance behavior among dogs happens but is sexual in nature. (c) It is a rare dog who tries to bully a human. (d) Alpha rolls work on dogs because they are innately knowledgeable in the Greek alphabet. (e) None of the above. Stimpy, the alpha-rolled heel nipper, feared annihilation by anybody other than his person. In his anxious mind, they could all be mass murderers. What started as trembling and hiding from strangers, had advanced to barking and then chasing and biting. Nothing Amy tried made a difference. If anything, the problem had worsened. The brain is considered the most complex organ in the body. Neuroplasticity – the ability to change its function and structure– can bring hope. As Stimpy repeatedly freaked-out toward…

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Turtle Dip

October 9, 2023
box turtle

This Western box turtle paddled by us yesterday at the Bachechi Open Space. They’ll eat from a menu that may include earthworms, grasshoppers, beetles, slugs, fruits, or plants, depending on the season. If you want a box turtle for a pet be sure to get educated first. They’ll need to hibernate for the winter soon, necessitating the right “substrate” – that’s the stuff they burrow in. The Rio Grande Turtle and Tortoise club loves to teach folks how to give these gentle creatures good homes. But they are wild animals who belong in the wild. Don’t try to catch one and make it yours. But if they visit your yard you can make their lives excellent.

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Plucking Peace from the Jaws of Fear

October 2, 2023

Second in a series Remember what happened to Stimpy, the ankle biter? He was alpha rolled and pinned to change his behavior but, call me crazy, I’ve never known bullying to help anyone get well. The disconnect for Amy (Stimpy’s person) and her visitor was believing that dogs need to be dominated to learn their rightful place as our subordinates. Unbeknownst to these folks, as they swapped jokes on the couch, Stimpy’s dread had him hiding in the shadows. His burst of bravado as he ran, snapping and growling at the heels of the departing visitor was not about him trying to be boss. When this big alien stood and turned away, the bottled up fear in that canine brain evaporated. Stimpy’s self-preservation immediately kicked in. With no path for retreat he was bent on creating distance from the scary monster by chasing him out the door. It’s not that…

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Turkey vultures

October 2, 2023
turkey vultures

I like turkey but that’s not what comes to mind when you see a turkey vulture eat dead animals. This bunch was hanging out in the Rio Grande Bosque this morning as I rode my bicycle. They weren’t looking for or sniffing out live prey but dead meat. That’s OK with me. Because of these on-duty carrion sentinels I can enjoy my ride without having to dodge decomposing animals. Let’s hear it for consumers of rotten meat.

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Biting – Can You Ever Trust Again?

September 25, 2023
Scared dog

First in a series Folks like you and I are tethered to our pets by an emotional commitment to their well-being. If they have symptoms from any body part, including their brains, we want them to get well fast. The Internet offers prodigious quantities of quack remedies, especially for behavior disorders. Think twice about quick and dirty corrections. People do dumb stuff. Mistakes are part of life but ‘first do no harm’ should apply to everybody. Stimpy was a 3 year old terrier mix I saw for his worsening aggression toward visitors. He wasn’t always that way. He had been only nervous when guests breezed through the door but when one well-intentioned pet lover rushed toward him with arms outstretched, singing his name, the poor guy ran under the bed and trembled like a leaf. Amy, Stimpy’s committed person, was advised to “socialize” her dog by exposing him to as…

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My Cat Defecates While Running Away from My Other Cat

September 25, 2023

A cat parent is concerned about her cat who is fearful of using the litter box.  

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Rock Eating – Not a Healthy Diet

September 18, 2023

Question: I am worried that my inside Chihuahuas and my Pug/Pekingese dogs eat rocks and if the rocks will hurt them? How can I stop them from eating the rocks? Dr. Nichol: I worry about anybody who eats rocks. Rather than a You Tube challenge to boost their middle school cred (cq) or a display of inner toughness, your dogs are actually trying to feel better. But the risk of a bowel obstruction is serious business. I’ve removed rocks, toys, and other swallowed junk by endoscope and by surgery. We treat these as emergencies. Without speedy intervention the resulting loss of blood supply to the intestinal wall leads to tissue breakdown, leakage of bacteria and even death from septic peritonitis. Basket muzzles for your pupsters are in order starting today but they would only be a short-term solution. Preventing internal blockage is mighty important but your dogs will feel a…

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Elk on the Run

September 18, 2023

Remember the Paul McCartney tune Band on the Run? Well, this isn’t it. But I caught myself singing as I watched, at a great distance, as this herd with youngsters, galloped across the vast Valles Caldera in Northern New Mexico. They clearly didn’t see us. And that is as it should be. We were visiting their rightful home. We left no trace.

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Tricks instead of Exercise? A Good Trade-Off?

September 11, 2023
Heart and Soul Animal Sanctuary

Question: As a 76 year old single woman I have adopted a wonderful sheltie/shepherd mix female, very active 15 week old puppy. Arthritis and age have begun to make 2 hour, twice a day walks detrimental for me. Would it be healthy for her if I replace exercise with tricks that she and I would do together? I work at Heart & Soul Animal Sanctuary. Dr. Nichol: Your shiny new puppy sounds like a delightful bundle of excitement and mischief, a lot like my family’s amped-up young herding dog. Mick (Jagger) Nichol requires full time employment. Dogs are highly social creatures with an essential need for jaunts off-territory. Their sniffing and urine-marking is all about reading the bulletin boards and posting messages. But unless a dog is elderly or has 3 inch legs, a leash walk won’t provide significant exercise. They need to run long and hard every day. Off-leash…

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