Posts Tagged ‘aging’
Media – Elder Cats Losing Interest?
Maybe they could Feel Better Question: Are my two 15 year old cats harmed if they don’t play? When they were younger they would play until midnight. Now they sleep…
Read MoreMedia – Rickety Felines
Older Joints – Never Assume Question: I read that most older cats have arthritis. My 14 year old female spayed cat does not show any overt signs of pain. She…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Aging Dogs Indoor Messes
By the time they’re reached their golden years most dogs have pretty good bathroom etiquette. If they start leaving urine and stool around the house, it’s a problem. Tune-in to…
Read MoreMedia – Silent Suffering Cats
Chronic Pain can Dog your Cat Do you know anyone “of a certain age” with chronic pain? Most people don’t keep it a secret. Dogs don’t suffer silently either. You’ll…
Read MoreMedia – Cats Suffer Silently
Observant Pet Parents & Preventive Care Save Lives In the pet popularity contest cats are a close second to dogs, yet they get much less preventive medical care. That’s because…
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