Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Cats & Summer Heat

Inherently Sensible, Cats Lie Low Question: A couple of weeks ago you wrote, “Presumably we have enough sense not to leave pets in the heat”…outside. What about inside? Can we…

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Cats Outside in Cold, Wet Weather

No Risk to the Kitty as Long as he/she Get Some Shelter Question: How are cats with rain and cold weather?  My cat always likes to go out at certain…

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Overweight Dogs & Cats

R/d is the Best Way to Shed the Pounds & Prevent Serious Disease Question: Is Science diet r/d formula equal to the prescription r/d? Can I buy this r/d food…

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Obese Cat Seems Depressed

Unable to Enjoy Normal Activities this Cat will Improve with the Correct Diet Question: Our cat used to be tiny and rambunctious but as he has aged, he has put…

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Overweight Cats

Question: My daughter has a 4-year-old cat, Gus-he weights 24 pounds. She put Gus on Iams low calorie, but he still hasn’t lost any weight. He may be eating the…

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More FIP

Testing Is Less than Reliable. Fear Not for the Positive Cat-Most Never Get Sick. Question: Recently I adopted a wonderful cat from animal control who had developed an upper respiratory…

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Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)

A contagious disease, that is always disease. Our best success is helping some cats feel OK.  Question: My cat Roger is real sick. He’s only about one year old and…

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Fanbelt Injuries

Cats love a warm, cozy spot on cold winter nights. Horrible trauma occurs when the car is started.   Question: Our neighbor’s cat got stuck in the fanbelt of his…

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Complications in Infant Kittens

Problems develop fast. Learn to correct low blood sugar & hypothermia.   Question: My cat just had kittens 2 weeks ago and one died yesterday. I found him off by…

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