Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Weight Loss in a Geriatric Cat

Kidney Failure & Hyperthyroidism are Major Concerns Question: My 18 year old cat, Milo, is shrinking. She had a geriatric checkup 6 months ago and all tests were normal, just…

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Icterus/Jaundice in an Older Cat

Thorough Diagnostic Work & Careful Treatment Saves Lives Question: Our cat Ginger is 13 or 14 (do you think I’m not protecting him if I use his name?) has lab…

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Annual Exam Needs for an Older Cat

A Thorough Exam is Even More Important than the Vaccinations Question: I have been disappointed with the short visits when I take my 12 year-old kitty for her annual check-up.…

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When to Go to the Veterinarian: How Sick is Sick Enough

How much should it cost? How sick is that kitty anyway?   Question: My cat has had all of his shots plus a recent tapeworm shot.  He has been lethargic…

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Canine Gobbler

How to Manage the Feeding Frenzy Question: My 4 year old pug is obsessed with food. She turns into the Tasmanian devil. I tried just filling up the bowl and…

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Raw Food Diets

It’s Complicated and Risky to try to Duplicate Mother Nature Question: I’ve heard good things about a raw food diet.  Are there any negatives to raw food for our cats?…

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Home Made Pet Diets

A Disaster in the Making   Question: In your Journal article on July 30th, you comment about people food for dogs. I have a friend who has a “handicap assistance…

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Designer Pet Foods & High Price

If the ingredients match & the analysis looks as good, why pay more? Because you won’t get what you don’t pay for.   Question: I read an article in last…

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Age to Switch to Adult Dog Food & How Often to Feed

Large Breed Puppy Food Cuts the Risk of Bone & Joint Growth Disorders Question: I have a 7-month old Labrador retriever. How long should I feed puppy food, and at…

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