Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.


Most hungry overweight cats are just bored. Question: My eight-year-old cat, Nelson, was placed on IVD special diet three years ago. I have noticed that giving him the same measured…

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Rewarding this behavior with food will encourage more of it. Avoid the problem & the weight gain that goes with it by putting  your pets outside while you eat.  …

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A Dog With a Place at the Table

Attention Seeking Behavior is a Factor Question: My daughter-in-law feeds the dog from her plate using the same utensils she eats with. I am truly serious. She eats a spoonful…

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People Food for Dogs

Dogs are the best trainers. Here’s how you can be the trainer. Teach your dog to eat dog food.   Question: I really enjoy the light and amusing style in…

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Baby Food for Cats

Heinz Body Anemia Results from Onion Powder in Many Baby Foods. Question: My kitty’s special treat is one half jar of meat baby food every morning. I have heard that…

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Vegetarian Diets for Cats

Cats are Carnivores. They need a Balanced Diet with Meat. Question: I’ve been told about a vegetarian diet that is available for cats. I am thinking of putting my cat…

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Appetite-Poor Eaters

Elderly cats who fail to eat may have serious illness. But we can help many.   Question: We have a 20 year old female cat. She will not eat canned…

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A Smorgasbord of Gastronomic Delights for Fussy Eaters

Give Dogs a Structure for Eating Dog Food Question: I’ve tried to find a dog food that will satisfy both of my Chihuahuas but haven’t been successful.  As a last…

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Finicky Eaters

What’s good, What’s junk, Why it matters   Question: For most of my cat’s 12 years she would only eat canned food. She got cat acne and our vet suggested…

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