Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Chronic Nasal Discharge Indicates Serious Disease

Antibiotics are Necessary but so is a Clear Diagnosis Question: I have a cat that falls into the “feral cat living in a confined space” definition!  Rosebud lives in my…

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Big Active Dogs & Their Big Active Tails

Wounded, bleeding tails are a miserable mess. Here are some answers.   Question: I have a small problem with my chocolate Labrador. Her tail at the end is hairless and…

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Breathing Difficulty

Persian cats can have a simple surgery to correct their narrow nostrils.   Question: We have three Persian cats. Two are just fine but one of them (two years old)…

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Hemolytic Anemia

It’s fatal in 50% of dogs who have it. It must be treated quickly & aggressively   Question: What is done to treat Hemolytic Anemia?  My 9 year old Airedale-…

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Heart Murmurs in Puppies

Some abnormal heart sounds are dangerous but early, thorough diagnosis is key to good outcomes.   Question: I’m a proud owner of a beautiful Siberian Husky who is eight weeks…

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Umbilical hernias are common in puppies. Most are insignificant. A few can be dangerous.   Question: We have a 10 week old white German Shepherd puppy and I just noticed…

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Annual Heartworm Prevention & Testing

Treat year ‘round with once monthly chewables.   Question: We moved 6 months ago and our vet there didn’t heartworm test our dog after he was 9 months old because…

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Tail Chasing

Anal Glands are a common cause of rear end discomfort. It’s usually easy to remedy.   Question: Is it an old wife’s tale or a fact that if a dog…

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Managing a Car Sick Puppy

Give OTC Meds Prior to Travel Question: Lu Lu, the 4 month old miniature poodle, has responded well to your house breaking tips and continues to be a happy, energetic, entertaining puppy…

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