Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Dry Eye in an Elderly Cat

Effective Treatment will Eliminate Pain & Preserve Eyesight Question: My elderly cat has red rimmed crusty eyes. What causes this and how do I treat?   Dr. Nichol: Your kitty…

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High Blood Calcium & Back Pain

Many Possible Causes but Cancer Tops the List Question: Our 12 year old Lab/Border Collie has had back pain for 2 years and is very weak in the back legs.…

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Blind Older Dog Circling, Confused, & Becoming Lost

Most Dogs Adjust well to Blindness. Brain Aging Changes are More Likely & Treatable Question: We have a 14 year-old, female Japanese Chin who is blind. Sometimes she complains and…

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ProHeart 6 Recall

Adverse Reactions Plagued ProHeart but other Good Preventatives Remain Question: I read that ProHeart 6 had been recalled.  My poodle was on this medication.  What can be used in its…

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An Older Chow’s Blindness may be Reversible with Eyelid Surgery Question: I have a Chow and he is 10yrs old. Lately I have noticed that he runs into things. There’s…

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Hypothyroidism in Dogs

Many are Simple to Manage, Others are a Challenge. Nearly all do Well Question: My 10-year-old spayed lab cross has been hypothyroid for 2 1/2 years. Molly’s thyroid is still…

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Superficial Pigmentary Keratitis

Brown Pigment on the Surface of the Eyes Can Cause Blindness in Pugs, Boston Terriers, & Lhasa Apsos. Question: I recently adopted a 10-month-old female fawn pug, Phoebe. I was…

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Hot Tubbing for Dogs

A Lab’s Common Sense should keep her Safe Question: I have a 9-month-old female Labrador Retriever that loves water (naturally). Would our hot tub be harmful if the temperature is…

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Cataracts in an Older Dog

There are Multiple Causes. Treatment is Usually Successful Question: I have a female mixed breed terrier (12 yrs. old) named Rosie whom we all love dearly. She has a white…

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