Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Changing a Dog’s Name

Associate the Name with Obedience & Food Rewards Question: I’ve been perusing the available dogs at various shelters and found a gorgeous white shepherd, but his name doesn’t suit the quite…

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Dog Walking Elimination Etiquette

Avoid the Ire of Neighbors by Rewarding your Dog for Eliminating at her Territory’s Boundary Question: I used to be a professional dog sitter and when a dog lifts his…

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Weed Killers and Insecticides that are Safe for Dogs

Vinegar & Diatomaceous Earth are In; Round-Up is Out Question: I have two dogs, George & Gracie, whom I love dearly.  I am working under the assumption that there are…

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Does Allowing a Dog to Have a Litter Make a Better Dog?

Numerous Health Risks plus Overpopulation Make Spaying the Right Choice Question: A friend recently got a lab X puppy.  When I asked if he was going to spay her –…

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Tying a Dog in the Hot Sun is Dangerous & Abusive

More Effective ways of Keeping a Dog at Home are also Safer Question: I was appalled to find that my wife’s adult son had left his dog chained to a…

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Cloning a Dog

It’s Happening Fast-But is it the Right Thing to Do? Question: My dog’s 10 and is a great friend. What’s the latest on dog cloning (how/cost/etc.)? Dr. Nichol: Cloning of…

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Boxer Roots in Food Bowl

Question: I have a wonderful Boxer who is 4 years old. Cookie has had this unusual habit since she was a puppy. Before she eats she roots in the dry…

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Careers in Veterinary Technology

College training in the highly skilled area of medical support in a veterinary hospital. Question: I just love animals. I think it would be great to be a veterinarian but…

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Distemper in Dogs

This horrible disease of the nervous system is still with us. Vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate. Dear Dr. Nichol, A couple of weeks ago my wife and I adopted a beautiful Labrador…

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