Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Bathing: How Often? What Shampoo?

With a few exceptions, never is best. Brushing is much healthier. Question: How often should I bathe my pets? I’ve heard everything from once a week to never.   Dr.…

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Wolf Hybrids

Call of the Wild? Great pet with an independent spirit? Dangerous & illegal? Question: I know some people who breed wolf hybrids. I’ve seen these animals and they are magnificent.…

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Tail Docking in Puppies

It’s just for looks, but for your pups it’s important. 1-3 days old is best for safety. Question: My Boxer just had a litter of the cutest babies I have…

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More than just a nuisance, flies can cause maggots to destroy the health an older dog. Question: My old dog has flies buzzing around. What works well?   Dr. Nichol:…

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Dog House Construction

Size Does Matter Question: We have two 10 year old beagles who have always been “outdoor” dogs. I have built them a house framed with 2×4’s, plywood, and have insulated…

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Dogs Outside in Cold Weather

A Shared Doghouse or Indoor Separate Crates are Best Question: I have two dogs, Zara with a built-in fur coat, very thick, and Luke, typical short hair, about 35 lbs…

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Outdoor Shelters For Pets

What’s the right size, how much house is enough Question: I’m worried about my neighbor’s pets because it’s getting so cold at night. They have 2 cats and a dog…

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Tobacco Kills

Nicotine is a potent nerve toxin. Feeding cigarettes to any critters is deadly. Question: I think my dog Harvey has worms. He drags his rear end a lot. So a…

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The Business End of Pet Health Care

What’s right & wrong on the discussion of money. Question: Two weeks ago our cat Walter was real sick and was in the animal hospital for 5 days. Each day,…

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