Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.


Health means more than just ‘Start out slowly, then taper off’. Question: I have a beautiful 8-month-old Bichon Frise puppy who loves to go running with me.  I started her…

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Basset Hounds

Why that funky body style? Are they all loveable?   Question: What are basset hounds good for?   Dr. Nichol: That depends on who’s asking and why. Originally Bassets were…

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Training Collars & Head Halters

There are several useful tools; each has its place. All are safe if used properly.   Question: Do you know of any health problems related to either prong/pinch collars or…

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Pets & Children: Teaching Responsibility

Carefully consider the maturity of the primary caretaker before adding a new pet to your home.   Question: I’m thinking that a pet is a good way to teach responsibility…

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Introducing a New Dog to an Established Group of Cats

There is a good method to taking it slow & careful. A gentle dog should fit in well-eventually.   Question: Five days ago I got a young dog. I already…

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Puppy Training Class

Even small breed dogs need good manners. Taking a puppy to school gets you both trained-and your lives together get better.   Question: We just got a brand new puppy…

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Aging Dogs-Knowing when the Time for Euthanasia is Right

Your Veterinarian should be there for Guidance & Support Question: I have a 17 year old cocker terrier. She now has multiple problems and is on many meds. She is…

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Grieving Pet Loss

Other family dogs share the loss & the grief. Question: A few weeks ago I had to put down Sam, one of my four dogs, due to liver failure. The…

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Urine Killing Grass

Daily Vitamin C will provide a healthy lawn.   Question: We have a 6-month-old blue heeler, female; she is slowly turning my grass yellow.  Is there anything that I can…

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