Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Dr. Nichol’s Blog – Destruction & Panic when Alone

separation anxiety dogs

Why it Happens; What to Do Dogs are our best friends for some really strong reasons. They’re always delighted to see us, they’ll follow us anywhere, and they’ll never run…

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Albuquerque Journal Article – Reinforce correct behavior in tyrant

Question: I have a 1.5 year old neutered male Yorkie who is exhibiting aggression at all human family members except me, the mom.  It doesn’t matter whether I’m holding him…

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Dr.Nichol’s Video – Home Wrecking, Ripping, Scratching Cats

Cats scratching furniture

It would seem logical to correct or punish a destructive cat but these apparently nefarious acts are actually part of the normal feline behavioral repertoire. Feliscratch is a synthetic analogue…

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Albuquerque Journal Article – Chronic Kidney Failure is Manageable

kidney failure in cats

Older Cats need Special Care Question: I have a 17 year old long haired female cat that was diagnosed with chronic renal failure two years ago. She has received 100…

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Dr. Nichol’s Podcast – Home Wrecking, Ripping, Scratching Cats

Cats scratching furniture

Declawing is so ‘90s (actually ‘60s) I was recently contacted by a 72 year old man who explained that he’d had cats his entire life. He and his wife had…

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Albuquerque Journal Article – Puppy Eats Tortoise Poop

dog eats poop

Disgusting but most likely Harmless Question: Our large back yard is shared by our Russian tortoise and our 5 pound (11 month old puppy) poodle. Last spring, when “Tortie” came…

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Dr. Nichol’s Blog – The Damage of Cat Scratching

Declawing is so ‘90s (actually ‘60s) There is a definite calming influence that comes with having a cat sharing my home. They are delightful creatures but even the best-behaved kitty…

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Albuquerque Journal Article – Cat Scratching Redirected

Cat Scratching Furniture

Declawing is so ‘90s (actually ‘60s) Question: I am 72 and have had cats since I can remember. We recently lost our last cat and I feel lost without another…

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Albuquerque Journal Article – CBD Oil for Canine Anxiety

Research Supports other Alternative Therapies Question: A friend started using CBD oil for her dog that has severe epilepsy and it seems to be minimizing the number of seizures.  I…

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