Weekly article archive
The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.
Teach her that good things come from the man in her life Some dogs are genetically programmed with low-status personalities. They can lose the heebie jeebies if a man ignores…
Read MoreHere’s a subject that a whole lot of committed pet owners feel strongly about – and with good reason. If you think sterilization of dogs and cats is the right…
Read MoreOur American tradition of conspicuous Christmas consumption isn’t just for humans. Your pet can be a pig even without being a pet pig. Edibles: Alcoholic beverages, chocolate, coffee (grounds, beans,…
Read MoreIf you think that spaying and neutering is the right thing to do, well, I would never argue. On the other hand, if you did not subject your dog to…
Read MoreI recently shared the story of Sherman, a well-loved cat with long-standing defensive-aggression in veterinary clinics. It was so bad that his people quit taking him for routine wellness exams.…
Read MoreThis is the story of Sherman, a well-loved cat with long-standing defensive-aggression in veterinary clinics. It was so bad that his people quit taking him for routine wellness exams. As…
Read MoreMedication can make the Difference In last week’s column I introduced Sherman, a cat who did fine in the doctor’s office as a youngster but later became frightened and reactive/aggressive.…
Read MoreThis is the story of Sherman, a cat who learned to hate going to the veterinarian. This sad turn of events led to serious challenges for this fine kitty. His…
Read MoreCats who Hate the Doctor When I met Sherman he was a sporty little black and white feline youth of about 8 weeks. I vaccinated and neutered him, events that…
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