Albuquerque Journal Articles

Dogs Outside in Cold Weather

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Dogs Outside in Cold Weather

A Shared Doghouse or Indoor Separate Crates are Best Question: I have two dogs, Zara with a built-in fur coat, very thick, and Luke, typical short hair, about 35 lbs and skinny. We have two doghouses. Is this enough protection for Luke the skinny nougins? They mostly are indoors at night, however once a week we go and stay at Grandma’s. I’ve been following the idea if its about 30 and up, he’s o.k., 29 or below, or if it actually snows or rains, and we have Grandma come here. What do you think? Dr. Nichol: Whatever the temperature, Luke…

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Outdoor Shelters For Pets

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Outdoor Shelters For Pets

What’s the right size, how much house is enough Question: I’m worried about my neighbor’s pets because it’s getting so cold at night. They have 2 cats and a dog who huddle up together in a pile each night in a corner of their yard. I told them I would ask your advice-I know they will do what you suggest. They’re nice people-I just don’t think they know any better.   Dr. Nichol: Thanks for caring. It’s actually remarkable how well dogs and cats survive in the elements. As much as they could get through another winter on their own,…

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Tobacco Kills

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Tobacco Kills

Nicotine is a potent nerve toxin. Feeding cigarettes to any critters is deadly. Question: I think my dog Harvey has worms. He drags his rear end a lot. So a friend told me that I could get rid of the worms by giving him tobacco. Can I just give him pieces of cigarettes?   Dr. Nichol: Only if he’s not a minor. (Sorry, only kidding). Please do not give tobacco to Harvey. Nicotine is a potent toxin that could kill him if given in high enough amounts. Besides that tobacco has no known effectiveness against worms.   Why does Harvey…

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The Business End of Pet Health Care

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on The Business End of Pet Health Care

What’s right & wrong on the discussion of money. Question: Two weeks ago our cat Walter was real sick and was in the animal hospital for 5 days. Each day, the veterinarian talked to us about how he was doing. He also told us how much we were spending on Walter. In fact when we left Walter for treatment at the beginning, the clinic wanted a deposit. I know they do good work there, but why do they have to talk about money so much? Did they think we might abandon Walter and they wouldn’t get paid?   Dr. Nichol:…

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Cloning a Dog

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Cloning a Dog

A new dog with new lessons. Sometimes different is better. Question: I read a few weeks ago that they were trying to create an exact replica of someone’s pet dog.  I would give a lot to have a clone of my Westie.  I’m sure I’m not the only pet owner who hates the thought of a dog’s short life-span-and would love a second chance at training a smart but ornery puppy.   Dr. Nichol: It certainly sounds like an intriguing idea. But think of the great personality traits of a new dog that you would never be blessed to have…

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Quality Standards for Veterinary Medical Care

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Quality Standards for Veterinary Medical Care

How to know if your veterinarian is doing the job right.   Question: Why is there so little standardization between vets? The best ones do extensive prep work, blood testing, fine needle aspiration, etc. and have one person on the heart monitor, one anesthetist, with 3 kinds of anesthesia while others have only one assistant who answers the phone during surgeries. Wouldn’t it make sense to standardize veterinary surgery, like human surgeons are held to certain standards? Most people believe that one vet is as good as another but that just isn’t so.   Dr. Nichol: You have raised some…

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Daily Dog Care

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Daily Dog Care

The Basics Question: What do you have to do to take care of a dog daily?   Dr. Nichol: This is a great question. Give excellent food in two measured feedings each day. Pick it up when he or she walks away from it. If you have more than one pet, feed them at the same time but in separate places so they can’t see each other. This prevents competitive eating which leads to obesity. Water: Clean the bowl and refill with fresh water at least twice daily. Pets drink more when the water is fresh. This reduces wear on…

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Blood Types in Pets

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Blood Types in Pets

Cats, with only Two Blood Types have Good Success with Kidney Transplants Question: One of my students asked me if animals of the same species have different blood types like humans. For example: if you needed to give a cat a blood transfusion would you need to find another cat with the same type of blood (for example type A or B etc.) for the transfusion to be successful?   Dr. Nichol: Yes, other species have blood types too. Dogs are known to have eight; cats have two. Determining the specific blood type is only important if a pet has…

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Normal Body Temperature

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Normal Body Temperature

101.0 F (+ or – 0.5 degrees) Question: I’m curious as to the normal body temperature of a dog.   Dr. Nichol: 101.0 degrees Fahrenheit plus or minus 0.5 degree is the official answer, but 100 to 102 is fine. REALLY excited, but normal, dogs can sport rectal temperatures of 103.5. Forget using ear thermometers, though. It will annoy your dog and the darn things don’t even play music.

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Carsickness in Dogs

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Carsickness in Dogs

Dramamine or a prescription medication given before the car ride will prevent nausea. Question: My 6-month-old Silky Terrier is plagued with carsickness. We have tried traveling on an empty stomach to no avail. We’ve also only taken very short trips–so far 10- to 20- minutes traveling time. Part of our reason for getting a small breed was so he could join in on family vacations. Is there anything we can do to prevent the carsickness or a medication to help?   Dr. Nichol: Sorry to hear about all that terrible traveling terrier trauma. The motion sickness that is hounding your…

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