Albuquerque Journal Articles

Euthanasia of Elderly Frightened Cat

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Euthanasia of Elderly Frightened Cat

Tranquilizing the Cat First can make it Easier Question: Sage, a beautiful and loving 18 year old cat, is now blind and has begun to have potty accidents and some vomiting. Although she is a love with us, she becomes feral when a veterinarian approaches (no offense).  Even with a home visit, cat bag and elbow gloves, she is too much to handle! We can see that soon she will be leaving us. Is there a home administer pill we can give her to euthanize her safely and comfortably?   Dr. Nichol: There is no question that euthanasia needs to…

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Is it Right to Spend Money to Treat a Sick Cat?

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Is it Right to Spend Money to Treat a Sick Cat?

Pets are Valuable for Most of Us Question: I would not have any tricky problem with any sick cat. I grew up on a farm in 30’s and 40’s and there was not any money for sick cats or dogs. They were quickly destroyed and buried. We did not enjoy this, but it was the only way. We always had 10 to 20 cats. All animals were well treated but a sick cat was disposed of quickly.   Dr. Nichol: You’re right; times have really changed-and not just in veterinary medicine. Before WW II, 85% of Americans lived on farms,…

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Green Cat Litter

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Green Cat Litter

Great Ways for Cat Owners  to Protect Mother Earth Question: While I focus on going “green” (i.e. no plastic at the check out line, thank you) how do I best get rid of the “brown” litter?   Dr. Nichol: Here are some excellent suggestions plus one of dubious value submitted by a friend of mine. I’ll be watching my mail carefully. “We use 3/16″ alfalfa pellets sold at feed stores. It is totally biodegradable, the nitrogen fertilizes the lawn as it breaks down.  It stays fresh smelling, the cat has no objections and it’s cheap.”   “We use World’s Best…

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By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Catnip

Safe & Good Fun for Cats of All Ages Catnip can be a Good Reward Question: Is catnip to cats what alcohol or recreational drugs are to people?  Is it okay to let the love of my life, Miss Molly, my cat, have catnip?   Dr. Nichol: Ahem. Are there any feline DARE officers reading this? OK, let’s have a frank discussion. Catnip produces a euphoric or hallucinogenic reaction in 50-75% of cats. The unlucky minority are not genetically equipped to respond. The fun lasts for about 15 minutes after it is sniffed.   There are no known ill effects for cats who…

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What Does it Take to Become an Animal Behaviorist?

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on What Does it Take to Become an Animal Behaviorist?

There are a Few Routes; All take Education Question: How does a person become an animal behaviorist? Does one need to go through veterinary college or something more like an apprenticeship?   Dr. Nichol: There are a few choices. A veterinary behaviorist is a veterinarian (4 years of undergraduate study plus 4 years of veterinary medical school) who has also completed a residency program and passed a national board examination. Veterinarians, whether board certified or not, are the only people legally able to diagnose and treat medical and behavioral problems in animals, including prescribing medications.   You could become an…

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Cat Travels Long Distance to get Home

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Cat Travels Long Distance to get Home

Cats are Highly Territorial & become Stressed when Taken From Home Question: We had two cats when we lived near Central and Tramway in Albuquerque and when we moved to Second and Osuna we left one cat at the old house with our adult daughter, and the other we brought with us. That one ran away after a couple of weeks. After 10 weeks he showed up at the old house! How in the world did he find his way back there? We’ve decided to leave him there since he worked so hard to get there.   Dr. Nichol: Stories…

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Non Pet Owner Annoyed at Neighbor’s Pets

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Non Pet Owner Annoyed at Neighbor’s Pets

Times have Change since the Great Depression Dear Dr. Nichol: Sir, I am so tired of dogs and cats that I could use some old navy swear words. I have 5 neighbors with cats who run wild through my flowers. I smell dog manure on a nauseating scale. I have seen them spend thousands on care of these animals. There seem to be no children anymore, only animals who are treated like children. I grew up during the Great Depression. Need I tell you things were different? Vets took care of valuable animals such as cows, sheep, horses, etc. To…

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Cat Safe Cockroach Baits

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Cat Safe Cockroach Baits

Most Baits are Safe. Be Careful with Hydrogen Peroxide Question: We moved to the foothills last spring and were overrun by cockroaches! Now we have two kitties, and wonder if there is a product that is both effective against roaches and pet-safe. Dr. Nichol: For the latest on the safest, I contacted Dr. Safdar Khan of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (888-426-4435). The good news is that most roach bates present no significant risk to pets because they contain only a few grams of pesticide. But be careful if you use powdered boric acid. Cats who contact the highly…

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Cat Attempting to Cover Food Dish

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Cat Attempting to Cover Food Dish

Perceived Threat from Neighbor Cat Spurs Instinct Question: After eating our cat tries to cover up the food dish. Is this a response to threatening behavior of a stray cat around our home?   Dr. Nichol: You got it.

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Cat Vocalizations

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Cat Vocalizations

Question: Now that you let the cat out of the bag and described one cat noise and listed a slew of others, what do the others mean?   Dr. Nichol: You mean the cat has been let out of the mailbag. We cat people want definitions, pronunciations and, most important, appropriate responses. Well, of course, I am Dr. Doolittle and I do talk to the animals.   Here is the hard data based on real research (funded, I am sure, by your tax dollars). The “purr” can mean contentment, but in a nervous cat it may signal anxiety. “Meow” is…

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