Posts Tagged ‘fighting’
Fence Fighters
Did that really happen? Emotions matter but they can certainly interfere.
Read MoreMedia – Unhealthy neighbor relations lead to loss of limb
[alsointhisseries series-slug=”hyperbole”] A Feud Gone Wrong “Blue’s” backyard was separated from the neighbor’s by your average chain link fence. Some dogs ignore this contrivance but for others it’s a formula…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – New Dog – Will they play nice? They don’t?
Has a new dog stirred the political pot at your house? Or maybe you’re thinking of adding to your pet family. Wanna avoid the brawls?
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dogs fighting over Mom or Dad – who’s closer?
Threats and innuendo between family dogs can quickly cross the line. Fighting over who gets more attention worsens with equal treatment.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dog Food Fights
Dogs seem to believe that famine is imminent. Some will fight tooth and nail with their housemates for the tiniest tid bit. Do you stand guard, yell or punish? Everybody…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Don’t Let a Good Kitten Go Bad
House soiling, fighting, furniture damage – you don’t want it. A great cat’s life is not a random event. Good behavior starts with a healthy structure.
Read MoreMedia – Feline Fights in a Fishbowl
Peace & Privacy Question: I need advice on displaced aggression in my 2 cats that are normally very loving to each other. It started after a neighborhood cat started appearing…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – No Welcome Mat Can a Feline Newcomer Find Love?
If you’re a cat lover like me you may want even more of them. But kitties stuck inside together can struggle badly: threats, aggression, and house soiling are miserable for…
Read MoreMedia – Feline Culture Clash
Mutual Disdain Likely to Fester & Explode Question: Apparently this cat found us. She is part of Community Cat Program here in El Paso. She is not feral; she is…
Read MoreMedia – Alien Feline Freak-Out
Can New Cat Succeed? Question: I have 2 other cats and since I’ve brought the new guy home it is a divided household. My 2 established cats are terrified of…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Squabbling – Even Fighting for Attention
Dogs don’t get jealous; they actually believe that affection is scarce. Don’t they know that your love is limitless? Well, no they don’t. They think differently. But you can be…
Read MoreMedia – Feline Fisticuffs
Fighting Among Household Cats Relationships among multiple indoor cats could devolve into a slugfest. The head banana may lurk in the shadows, pounce, and scare the snot out of an…
Read MoreMedia – Fighting Family Dogs
Dangerous to Each Other & People Question: My 2 dogs have been together for 2.5 years. The female has always be passive before the male, however in the last month…
Read MoreMedia – Cat Calls
Kitties often Speak Non-Verbally Question: Having watched your Facebook Live on cats who fight, I wonder about how do two cats living in a house communicate with each other? Dr.…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Cats who Hate each other’s Guts
Dangerous cat fights can worsen fast. Some cats belong together; others don’t. Keep the peace and learn how to give them space from each other.
Read MoreFighting Among Household Dogs
Few things are more unnerving than dogs you love trying to hurt each other. These attacks may seem to happen out of the blue but there are important reasons for…
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