Bringing out the best in a cat or dog is a hands-on task. Seeing it in a video is often better than reading it. My goal with these videos is to make behavior management easier to understand and implement.
Shouldn’t a cat, who’s livin’ the feline dream at your house, crave the answer to this age-old question? They do, sort of. It matters what the person wants but it’s about the cat’s needs too.
Watch nowMouthing? Teething? Playful nipping? Or is that youngster snarling and lunging? Get control now – without punishment or fear.
Watch nowThreats and innuendo between family dogs can quickly cross the line. Fighting over who gets more attention worsens with equal treatment.
Watch nowYowling, urinating, maybe even some in-the-crate defecating: Are we having fun yet? The anxiety and misery our traveling cats feel, often on the way to the veterinary clinic, needs to lighten-up. But opting-out of medical care shortens lives.
Watch nowEverybody needs exercise but stopping every 6 feet on a leash walk doesn’t get it. You’re dragging your dog; nobody is having a good time.
Watch nowDon’t try correcting this bad behavior; it’ll never work. Stressors, like too many other cats, outdoor creatures, and physical disorders, are often major factors. Litter pan hygiene is another big one. You can set that naughty kitty up to succeed.
Watch nowSome puppies are highly-stressed in their new homes. Helping the little rascal adjust starts with caring and love. There’s a whole lot more you can do to set the kid up for a well-adjusted life.
Watch nowDo you have a cat who, despite your good example, insists on prying open cabinets and wreaking havoc on your stuff? Does she complain or pester you relentlessly at the worst times? I know the type.
Watch nowPuppies can be out-of-control on leash walks. Some are panicked. Forget corrections and jerks.
Watch nowDogs who are happy to follow instructions are a pleasure to have as your best friend. But a lot of them just aren’t clear on the concept. Spare the frustration.
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