Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Baby Teeth

Early Extraction is Safest Question: I discovered that Rocky (5 month old Jack Russell) is growing his adult canine teeth however his baby teeth are not coming out. Will they…

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Clipper Burns

Heal well with Careful Treatment Question: We have a Rhodesian ridgeback, chow, Sheppard mix. I made the error of shaving his coat. Now these red bloody abrasions keep appearing. Dr.…

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Doorway Freak-Out

Special Care is needed for Scared Dogs Question: We have a lab mix 2 years old. She’s had issues with trust but has done well, always sleeping inside. While my…

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Human Blindness & Feline Toxoplasmosis

Testing Cats can Assure Human Safety Question: I have friends that have macular degeneration. One is legally blind. I have read Internet articles telling that cats can carry the parasite…

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Sudden Pain & Lameness in a Small Dog

Knee Caps need Repair. Stem Cells can Help Question: I have a 3 year old cockapoo and she was trying to jump and did something to her leg. She cried…

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Cats Stay Calm while Owner Travels

Question: Will the mist of an essential oils diffuser bother my two male cats? How long is a cat’s memory?  I will be gone for a month as my daughter…

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Reducing Fear of Humans in Feral Kittens

Question: I have a nonprofit cat rescue, ForeclosurePets, here in Washington State (I am a NM native). I currently have a mom, who is very friendly, and her 3 kittens.…

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Balloon Phobia

Avoid the Fear Triggers; Reduce the Anxiety Balloon Fiesta is great fun for us, but it’s not much of a party for pets who freak out from those cosmic monsters…

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Scooting Cat Leaving a Trail of Blood

Vaginal Foxtail Awns cause Infection & Misery Question: My cat Mystic is a 3 year old spayed female. She scoots on our carpet and leaves a streak. Our veterinarian said…

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