Albuquerque Journal Articles

Pets as Gifts

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Pets as Gifts

It may be a great idea. But the surprise of a real live long-term responsibility wears off fast. Talk about it first & be ready for the real investment of energy & expense.   Question: My fiancee has said that she might want a pet and I’m running out of time to get her a birthday present. I really love her and I want to see that look of joy on her face when she opens the wriggling box. What kind of pet do you think I should get her?   Dr. Nichol:   Boy, am I glad you asked…

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Estimating Age Pets

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Estimating Age Pets

Teeth and, Later, Eyes are the Best Indicators of Age Question: How can I tell how old my cat is, he is a rescue cat and the center had no idea themselves.   Dr. Nichol: This is an important question not only because many health issues are linked to age; cats are very fussy about getting their birthday cakes on the proper day.   Many parts of the body show signs of age (I personally have no idea about this), but in most cats and dogs the teeth and eyes are the most reliable indicators. We can be particularly accurate…

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Why do Cats Purr?

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Why do Cats Purr?

Similar to Roaring, No Cat can do Both Do questions like this keep you awake at night or, like most cat owners, do you believe your kitty purrs just because he thinks you’re cute, funny, smart, and marvelous? Sorry. As it turns out, it’s purely physical.   The mechanics of purring start with a neural oscillator in the brain that transmits signals to the muscles of the voice box causing them to vibrate at 25 cycles per second. It’s a trait that domestic cats, pumas, cheetahs, ocelots, bobcats, lynx, and African wild cats share. Cats who roar, on the other…

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Zoonotic Disease Transmission

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Zoonotic Disease Transmission

Good Hygiene is Essential but other Humans are the Greatest Risk Question: When the Europeans came to America they brought diseases that we as a people only scarcely survived. Because of the Europeans’ close association with their animals they were immune to most of the diseases that we were not. My question: A lot of people kiss and do other questionable things with their animals, the animals kiss and lick other animals’ butts and parts, is this how diseases were and still are transmitted to humans?   Dr. Nichol: Zoonotic diseases are central to our concerns about worldwide epidemics. There…

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Dirt Rolling Cat

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Dirt Rolling Cat

Everybody’s Scalp needs to be Scratched Question: Thomas escapes whenever possible and we always find him rolling in the very dry dusty dirt. This cat loves it; he rolls so many times a day you can’t keep count. I have had cats all my life and never remember having one that rolled in dirt all the time.   Dr. Nichol: Thomas is stimulating his skin and leaving his scent. A cat’s scalp, like ours, needs stimulation to loosen skin flakes. Many kitties accomplish the same thing by grooming with their tongues or by brushing or bathing from their owners. Be…

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Cat is Lost; Littermate is Depressed

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Cat is Lost; Littermate is Depressed

Antidepressant Medication can Help; Advice on Adding another Cat Question: I recently lost one of my 6 year old cats. “B” and “J” are mostly indoors. The last time I let them out was the last time I saw B. I live in a large apartment complex; I sort of think someone took him. No one has answered any of my ads or flyers. Now J sleeps more and follows me from room to room. I pet him, play with him, and talk to him a lot, but after a month he’s still sticking pretty close. What to do with my sweet…

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Feral Cat Urine & Stool

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Feral Cat Urine & Stool

Discourage Access to your Yard or Spay & Neuter Question: My neighborhood is infested with stray cats. I made the mistake of feeding some and now I have 6-7 cats looking for feed at my door twice a day.  My neighbors tell me the block is going to stink to high heaven. How do I get the cats to eliminate on the side of my house where I can rinse the area with a hose a few times a week?   Dr. Nichol: That’s a tall order. Only naughty indoor cats eliminate on hard surfaces like sinks, counters, and bathtubs.…

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Kitten Selection

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Kitten Selection

Learn a Kitten’s History & be Observant Question: We recently had to put our beloved cat to sleep after 16 years. This cat was so loving to us, sat in our laps, talked to us, he is a tremendous loss.  How do we find another cat that will be loving to us?  Should we be looking for a younger or older cat?   Dr. Nichol: I understand the grief you feel over the loss of your fine boy. Our 18 year old family cat “Raoul” passed away a few years ago. It took us a long time to feel ready…

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Euthanasia of Elderly Frightened Cat

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Euthanasia of Elderly Frightened Cat

Tranquilizing the Cat First can make it Easier Question: Sage, a beautiful and loving 18 year old cat, is now blind and has begun to have potty accidents and some vomiting. Although she is a love with us, she becomes feral when a veterinarian approaches (no offense).  Even with a home visit, cat bag and elbow gloves, she is too much to handle! We can see that soon she will be leaving us. Is there a home administer pill we can give her to euthanize her safely and comfortably?   Dr. Nichol: There is no question that euthanasia needs to…

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Is it Right to Spend Money to Treat a Sick Cat?

By drjeffnichol | September 6, 2012 | Comments Off on Is it Right to Spend Money to Treat a Sick Cat?

Pets are Valuable for Most of Us Question: I would not have any tricky problem with any sick cat. I grew up on a farm in 30’s and 40’s and there was not any money for sick cats or dogs. They were quickly destroyed and buried. We did not enjoy this, but it was the only way. We always had 10 to 20 cats. All animals were well treated but a sick cat was disposed of quickly.   Dr. Nichol: You’re right; times have really changed-and not just in veterinary medicine. Before WW II, 85% of Americans lived on farms,…

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