Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Old Cat: Weight Loss & A Growing Appetite

Most Causes can be Treated at Home Question: Our old cat Spunky (13 years) is a disagreeable animal but I hate to see him decline. Two years ago we let…

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Small Skin Mass & Stinky Urine with Bugs

Potentially Deadly: Malignancy & Diabetes are Manageable if Treated Early Question: My cats are brother and sister; they are 14. My female cat has had a small lump near her…

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Warm vs. Cold Noses

Nose Temperature is Never Reliable; a Thermometer is Much Better Question: Is a cold nose an indicator of health in a cat (like a dog) or is it OK if…

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Easter Lilies are Dangerous

Kidney Failure follows 24-48 hours after Ingestion Easter lilies: This beautiful flower is potentially dangerous. Cats who eat any part of this plant become lethargic as their kidneys fail within…

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The Safety of Insect Repellents containing DEET

Cats are very Different. Human Products are often Risky for Cats Question: My cat is 15 months old and is getting over an allergy attack that affected her eyes. I…

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Enlarged Lymph Nodes are an Important Sign

Diagnosing the Cause is Important & usually simple Question: My baby Roo is a little tabby cat we found abandoned in a park. She had little lumps just under her…

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Hitting Cat on Head for Correction

Dangerous & Unnecessary Question: My friend has a cat and when he gets into trouble or does something bad she either hits him hard on the top of the head…

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Cat Who Pongs with Body Odor

Skin, Dental, or Ear Disease can all be Responsible. Anal Glands cause the Worst Odor. Question: My cat stinks!! It is getting to the point where I don’t like him…

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West Nile Virus

Dogs & Cats are Not at Risk Question: Do I need to protect my dogs from the West Nile virus?   Dr. Nichol: This spreading infection is nerve wracking for…

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