Weekly article archive

The following questions and answers have appeared in my weekly column in the Albuquerque Journal since July, 1996. Each week a new one is added. You'll find information on the physical and behavioral maladies of dogs and cats and a few other species too. I invite you to use the search feature to find the specific answer that you and your pet need.

Why do Cats Purr?

Similar to Roaring, No Cat can do Both Do questions like this keep you awake at night or, like most cat owners, do you believe your kitty purrs just because…

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Zoonotic Disease Transmission

Good Hygiene is Essential but other Humans are the Greatest Risk Question: When the Europeans came to America they brought diseases that we as a people only scarcely survived. Because…

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Dirt Rolling Cat

Everybody’s Scalp needs to be Scratched Question: Thomas escapes whenever possible and we always find him rolling in the very dry dusty dirt. This cat loves it; he rolls so…

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Cat is Lost; Littermate is Depressed

Antidepressant Medication can Help; Advice on Adding another Cat Question: I recently lost one of my 6 year old cats. “B” and “J” are mostly indoors. The last time I let…

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Feral Cat Urine & Stool

Discourage Access to your Yard or Spay & Neuter Question: My neighborhood is infested with stray cats. I made the mistake of feeding some and now I have 6-7 cats…

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Kitten Selection

Learn a Kitten’s History & be Observant Question: We recently had to put our beloved cat to sleep after 16 years. This cat was so loving to us, sat in…

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Euthanasia of Elderly Frightened Cat

Tranquilizing the Cat First can make it Easier Question: Sage, a beautiful and loving 18 year old cat, is now blind and has begun to have potty accidents and some…

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Is it Right to Spend Money to Treat a Sick Cat?

Pets are Valuable for Most of Us Question: I would not have any tricky problem with any sick cat. I grew up on a farm in 30’s and 40’s and…

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Green Cat Litter

Great Ways for Cat Owners  to Protect Mother Earth Question: While I focus on going “green” (i.e. no plastic at the check out line, thank you) how do I best…

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