Posts Tagged ‘dogs’
Dr. Nichol’s Video – Fireworks Fear & Sweaty Paws
Startled by earsplitting blasts, many otherwise stable pets will endure almost continual panic this weekend. A freaked-out dog or cat needs serious relief from fear. I’ll make it easy for…
Read MoreFireworks Freak-Out
There will be a whole lot of scared pets this weekend. It’s hard enough if they tremble and hide but some panic and escape the yard in search of safety…
Read MoreDog with an Idle Mind
Puppies and dogs of any age can be unrelenting chewers and destroyers of all things we may hold sacred. We can love man’s and woman’s best friend like a…
Read MoreBiter Rehabbed
Does this first photo scare you? Pepper not only bared her teeth but lunged and sometimes bit her people when they reached for her on the couch or approached her…
Read MoreBones are Normal for Canine Scavengers
It was rainy in the Pecos Wilderness for Mick’s first hike wearing his backpack. While carrying my water and snacks, he found bones from a deer’s front leg. Under good…
Read MoreRodent Poisons, Lingering Risk
Last in a series As word got out that I was the go-to veterinarian for suspected dog poisonings I also became the default repository for conspiracy theories, “common sense” solutions,…
Read MoreSurvivors Helped us Push Ahead
Fourth in a series I offered to help Placitas pet parents with their poisoning problem and, well, they took me up on it. The next morning Gretel, a big hound…
Read MoreBetter, Funner Leash Walks
Head halter training – Start slow and positive Lurching, jumping, growling, barking – are we having fun yet? Ah, no. A head halter, like this Gentle Leader, makes it easy…
Read MoreLearning Dog Tricks – The Light Dawns
Mick and I have practiced his new trick, “Night, night.” He’s watching me intently because he’s ready. Even though he gets it, mostly, I help him do it right. He…
Read MoreTeaching Fun Dog Tricks
Dogs’ brains are built for fun with their people. You can make it easy for them to work-to-earn treats, praise, and most important – physical contact. When I show Mick…
Read MoreTomcat Killed Big Blue
Second in a series The sudden loss of “Big Blue” triggered a derailment in the brains of the two young men who loved him. He was special to them and,…
Read MoreShocking Discovery
First in series He couldn’t even raise his head, his gums were pale, his pulse weak and thready. Had an injury caused this black German Shepherd mix to bleed internally?…
Read MoreSmall Dog Protecting Human Mamma?
Ignore the Bad; Reinforce the Good Question: I have a 1 year old neutered male Yorkie who is aggressive at all human family members except me, the mom. It doesn’t…
Read MoreClothes Dryer Aggression? Harvey Knew
Fourth in a series Dogs with separation anxiety can freak-out badly if they feel boxed in. With the crate left open and outdoor access through his dog door, Harvey had…
Read MoreStorm Phobia
Close the window blinds during storms. If possible keep your dog in an interior room with less outside sound White, pink, or brown noise (downloadable from the Internet) can be…
Read MoreDitch wading & bird songs
Young Mick Nichol enjoys his daily jaunts along the irrigation ditches because, well, because he’s a dog. Leaving the home territory to sniff, investigate, read the bulletin boards, and post…
Read MoreTeaching Stay
Who wants to stay? We may not want to but a dog can, if we motivate him. Mick is just learning that if he watches me, and then I show…
Read MoreLeave It!
How much garbage and other poop should a dog eat on a leash walk? You can yell LEAVE IT! and jerk hard on the leash but your dog may only…
Read MoreMick & his Chick
We picked our boy Mick, in part because he has a social nature. It turns out that he’s never met a stranger. Mick visits this hen on a daily basis.…
Read MoreWild & Exuberant – Punish? Yell? A New Skill?
Out-of-control behavior in a dog of any age can drive you crazy. Reprimands and physical corrections teach nothing, except more intense agitation. Instead, you can “redirect” your kid to earn…
Read MoreYour Dog Digs Where???
Digging dogs can damage a great yard. Don’t punish; it’s normal behavior. Instead, give that dirt dog its very own wonderful digging box. Make it attractive by loosening the dirt,…
Read MoreTeaching “Down” – Step 1
Dogs love to work for food. You don’t need to push a puppy to ground. Give the “Down” command as you use a treat, as a lure, to show that…
Read MoreComing when called – longer distance
Young Mick (now 15 weeks old) has been practicing his recalls. We started with a little tug using a short leash. Now he comes reliably from longer distances but we…
Read MoreA Dog must be a Dog
Fourth in a series Set her Up for Safety Ruby, our Doberman patient who was no longer impaled by an elm stick and having finished relieving herself outside, endured yet…
Read MoreMick, Come!
13 week old Mick is not too young to learn basic skills. Dogs are programmed to earn resources like food and attention from their leaders. Mick already knows how…
Read MoreThe All-Nighter
Third in a series Would dedication be enough? I knew when double checking my repairs of Ruby’s internal injuries that they were secure but it was her high risk of…
Read MoreSit at Door
A dog racing through an open door can knock people down and risk him getting loose. Mick is learning to sit at the door and wait for the “OK”.…
Read MoreProjectiles Save Lives
Second in a series My first instruction, with Charley Garcia still on the phone, was NOT to remove the stick from her dog Ruby’s chest. Leaks can kill. That grotty…
Read MoreTrain Chaser Pays a Steep Price
First in a series “Dr. Nichol, Charlie Garcia’s dog Ruby has a stick in her chest. What shall I tell her?” Martha Peterson, our composed client service specialist, had appeared…
Read MoreSweet Destroyer Poopster
Third in a series Don’t lock him up Bang, bang, ding, dong! Just as Diane walked into the house, finding more of Jasper’s daily carnage, somebody was outside! Fresh scratches…
Read MoreThis is Mick, the Nichol family’s shiny new Border collie puppy, having a wonderful time with a rawhide chip.
Life should be so simple and joyful for all of us. We have named Mick because he ROCKS!
Read MoreWho’s a good doggie? It’s not Jasper…or is it?
Second in a series Diane and Richard called from the shoulder of I-40 right after Jasper, the roadside beagle, had a desperately needed drink and a snack. If you don’t…
Read MoreDepression Dog
First in a series Simple Cure? Driving home from Amarillo Richard had his eyes on the road while his wife Diane took in an outrageously beautiful New Mexico sunset. That’s…
Read MoreMedia – Show Dogs Only, Thank You
Third in a series We Accept Rejects I didn’t know it at the time but for a Boxer to compete in the conformation ring, at least 2/3 of its coloring…
Read MorePuppies in Their Spare Time
These Border collie puppies play well with others but there is more to life than fun and games. There is also hiking, snuggling, and fun and games. One of…
Read MoreMedia – Boxers in the Night
First in a series Boxers in the Night Semi Pregnancy Who doesn’t love newborn puppies? Veterinarians get to turn difficult deliveries into real joy but it’s often difficult. In the…
Read MoreHoliday Weirdness & Risk
What does it take? The holidays are great fun, aren’t they? Singin’, dancin’, and carryin’ on. For you and me, sure, but badly unsettled pets can engage in some unhealthy…
Read MoreMedia – Baby Blues
Canine Coping Skills for Twins Question: I have a female Doberman, 5 years old, and a female mixed breed dog, age 10. And 8 months ago I became mom of…
Read MoreMedia – Porgy, Tirebiter, & Papoon
What’s in a Name? Most veterinarians don’t make house calls much anymore but I’ve done my fair share. I’ve learned interesting things about behavior that I never expected. Harry and…
Read MoreSnapping at Mom
Is that OK? Dogs are man’s and woman’s best friends but there are species differences.
Read MoreFence Fighters
Did that really happen? Emotions matter but they can certainly interfere.
Read MoreMedia – Barking: Normal Canine Communication
Question: Do you do debarking or bark softening? I have about a 20# sheltie. Dr. Nichol: I would debark a few people (politicians, mostly) but for noisy dogs, there are…
Read MoreMedia – Kipper’s Boy Kept his Dog
[alsointhisseries series-slug=”snapping”] Find Out How I was just 8 years old when I made my first trip to the animal hospital with my new puppy. I felt inspired by Dr.…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – New Baby Dog
The Nichol family is planning to add a puppy. I’ll share my preparations and training plan. Everybody can win.
Read MoreMedia – Fear & Protective Aggression
[alsointhisseries series-slug=”snapping”] Who’s to Blame? Fear is often the in-the-moment reason for canine aggression. Adrenalin-driven reactions aren’t always bad; it’s actually a survival mechanism that’s built into all of us.…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Leash walking a Drag?
Taking a stroll with your dog isn’t a walk in the park if they jump, lurch, and growl. Some are so wild they chew the leash.
Read MoreMedia – Snapping at Mom
[alsointhisseries series-slug=”snapping”] Whose Fault? Rehome? Worse? Dogs are man’s and woman’s best friends but there are species differences. They walk on all 4s and they’re a bit hairier but like…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dog Getting Wiggy Home Alone
You’ve been working from home with your pupster at your feet but it’s time to go back to the office without your loyal companion.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dog Body Language & Behavior at Animal Humane
Dog body language and behavior featuring Fish the Dachshund puppy. What is your dog telling you? Watch Dr. Nichol’s video here.
Read MoreMedia – Blanket Pacifier
Holy Moly Question: I have a 4 year old dachshund mix who insists on chewing our blankets to soothe herself for few minutes before she goes to sleep. I have…
Read MoreMedia – Unhealthy neighbor relations lead to loss of limb
[alsointhisseries series-slug=”hyperbole”] A Feud Gone Wrong “Blue’s” backyard was separated from the neighbor’s by your average chain link fence. Some dogs ignore this contrivance but for others it’s a formula…
Read MoreMedia – Surgery by Dog
[alsointhisseries series-slug=”hyperbole”] Amputations are unfortunate but sometimes necessary. The anatomy is complicated; a good doctor follows established procedure. “Blue” the blue heeler didn’t benefit from any of that until he…
Read MoreMedia – Hyperbole? Or “Did that really happen?”
[alsointhisseries series-slug=”hyperbole”] Back in the day, before the advent of computers, I was writing notes in a medical record when Martha, our unflappable receptionist, appeared at my side. “A lady…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dogs & Cats who Hate the Veterinary Clinic
Most of us are nervous at the doctor’s office and so are our pets. Some get fearful and defensive. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Read MoreMedia – The Occult of the Itch
Diagnose first; treat second Question: I have a 7 month old puppy who itches and scratches herself constantly anywhere she can reach. I have taken her to my veterinarian twice…
Read MoreMedia – Shy Dog Embarrasses Herself
Calm; Don’t Punish Question: My 6-month-old corgi knows that she’s supposed to pee outside and does a really good job most of the time. But when she’s inside, every once…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Need a Dog Trainer? Choose Wisely
Bad behavior has to stop ASAP. Punishment can work fast but reward-based training delivers happy, well-behaved dogs. I’ll get you started.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Tearful Partings, Joyous Reunions – Does it Matter for Separation Anxiety?
Helping dogs who freak-out when home alone is complicated. Improvement requires lots of changes but do you have to completely ignore as you leave and return?
Read MoreMedia – Dumpster Dog Cherishes Memory of his Best Friend
Their Shared Blanket Question: My Honey, who passed Christmas Eve 2019, found a litter of puppies in the dumpster. We kept the big boy. She named him DD (Dumpster Dog).…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Grooming, nail trims, & ear cleaning – ARRGHH!!!
Some dogs won’t put up with it. They squirm, struggle, and might even bite. Nobody is having fun. We can get this right without the tears and misery.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Fear & Loathing at the Veterinary Clinic
A whole lot of pets are unhappy going to the doctor. Veterinarians don’t mean to scare anybody but we can work with loving pet parents to reduce the angst. White…
Read MoreMedia – COVID19 in Cats & Dogs
Sick People Infect their Pets This COVID19 pandemic continues to hang over us like a dark cloud, new variants putting unvaccinated people at increasing risk. Now we know that pets…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Fireworks Freak-Out
There will be a whole lot of scared pets this weekend. It’s hard enough if they tremble and hide but some panic and escape the yard in search of safety…
Read MoreMedia – Freaked-Out by Fireworks
Many Great Ways of Helping Scared Cats & Dogs Startled by earsplitting blasts, many otherwise stable pets will endure almost continual panic this weekend. Dogs may hide, tremble, drool, cry…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dogs fighting over Mom or Dad – who’s closer?
Threats and innuendo between family dogs can quickly cross the line. Fighting over who gets more attention worsens with equal treatment.
Read MoreMedia – Homeless Dogs – Help with the Heat
Question: I feel bad for the dogs of homeless people during these really hot summer months as their owners beg for food on street corners. Just today I saw a…
Read MoreMedia – Sudden Lameness in Small Dog
You are invited to get my help with a behavior problem by participating in a Zoom group behavior conference. Visit to sign up. Age is Not a Factor for…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dog Food Fights
Dogs seem to believe that famine is imminent. Some will fight tooth and nail with their housemates for the tiniest tid bit. Do you stand guard, yell or punish? Everybody…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dog Training for Better Behavior
Does your dog need to stop a bad behavior? She doesn’t do what you want either, does she?
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dog Parks – the Good the Bad & the Ugly
Running and playing with other dogs is good exercise and fun for everybody – unless your dog or someone else’s reacts badly. Should puppies go too?
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Hiding Scaredy Cats
Some kitties live under the bed; others may run for the hills when you sneeze. Dogs, noises, or just daily life can trigger a bunker mentality.
Read MoreMedia – Digging for Hoses
Splendid Excavating Alternative Question: We have a self-watering backyard. Our 1 ½ year old very tall, very strong, mixed-breed Doberman-Great Dane tore up all the lines! So now we are…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dogs who Dribble
Most dogs would never intend to pass urine inside – but some lose bladder control. It could be a physical problem or it may be behavioral. We can help them…
Read MoreMedia – Tortoise poop … is it bad for dogs?
Question: Our large back yard is shared by our Russian tortoise and our 5 pound (11 month old) poodle. Last spring, when “Tortie” came out of hibernation, our puppy started…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Puppy Biting
Mouthing? Playful nipping? Or is that youngster snarling and lunging? Get control now – without punishment or fear.
Read MoreMedia – Fear-Free Medical Care
Cooperation Earns Food Question: My wonderful, elderly Ellie (13 years) is difficult to work with when she has an ear infection, eye infection or other medical problem. She wiggles and…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Killer Plants and Chocolate Bunnies
Buds, bulbs, leaves, seeds and chocolate Easter eggs: What could go wrong?
Read MoreMedia – Springtime Pet Toxins
Be Careful this Easter Everybody loves springtime flowers and plants but some buds, bulbs, leaves, and seeds can be unsafe for our pets. Swallowing any plant material can cause a…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Back to the office-Dogs Panic
Dogs who barely controlled their home-alone angst before COVID, may spiral into destruction, barking, soiling, and escape attempts.
Read MoreMedia – Freaked-out by Strangers & Sick when Alone
The Mind-Body Connection is Worth Investing Lulu is a sweet, 2 year old Australian cattle dog who was adopted from a shelter just 2 months before I met her. She…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Barking – Way outa control
Noisy dogs can trigger problems. Unhappy neighbors and animal control might visit and ruin your day. You can turn this around with kindness.
Read MoreMedia – Chronic Diarrhea & Vomiting
Help Faster, Better, Cheaper Retching and vomiting or straining to pass diarrhea is pretty miserable. Some dogs struggle often with these symptoms. When does it become too much? You can…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Puppy crazy, jumpy, nippy mouthy
Have you thrown a can of pennies? How about yelling and jerking? A different home? You’re breakin’ my heart.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – COVID Risk to Pets or from Pets?
Research on cats and dogs in households with confirmed human infections found that a minority of pets got infected. Will they be OK? How about the rest of the family?
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Puppy Obedience Training DIY
Dogs who are happy to follow instructions are a pleasure to have as your best friend. But a lot of them just don’t seem clear on the concept. Spare the…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Housetraining
Some puppies are quick learners; others struggle to get clear on the concept. Don’t let frustration damage you and your canine youngster.
Read MoreMedia – Crate House Training
House Rules & Freedom to Move Question: I just brought home an 8 week old puppy and want to ensure the best possible crate training. It’s been 4 days, however…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Bumble Bee on a String
Puppies can be out-of-control on leash walks. Some are panicked. Forget corrections and jerks.
Read MoreMedia – Licking Legs & Everything Else
Nausea is Nobody’s Friend Question: My dog recently had a lick granulomas removed by laser. He was placed in an Elizabeth (cone) collar. When I take off the collar for…
Read MoreMedia – COVID19 Pet Infections
Who are the Carriers? Are pets capable of spreading COVID19? The SARS CoV 2 (cq) virus, the organism responsible for the human epidemic, has been investigated in cats and dogs.…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Crying for Mom
Some puppies are highly-stressed in their new homes. Helping the little rascal adjust starts with caring and love. There’s a whole lot more you can do to set the kid…
Read MoreMedia – Pee – Eeww!
Stinky dog needs a diagnosis & treatment Question: My 8-year-old male pit bull literally stinks, even a day after a bath. His teeth seem fine. He seems to feel ok,…
Read MoreMedia – Plants, snacks, & drugs
Avoid Poisons & Injury Conspicuous Christmas consumption isn’t just for humans; our pets eagerly indulge in dietary indiscretion too. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center provides the following list of…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Gifting Pet? Trojan Horse?
The pets in my life have taught me, saved me, and grounded me. Shouldn’t everybody have unconditional love and support? Maybe. Christmas pet presents can go right or they can…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Worried about Outdoor Pets? Good.
How cold is too cold for an outside dog or cat? Maybe the teens, or the 50s? – What’s safe and humane depends on several factors.
Read MoreMedia – Scary Low Weight and Rapid Growth
Question: I have an eleven month old Malinois and a year old Pomeranian, both neutered males. My pom seems to be a healthy body size and weight, and my Malinois…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Stop sniff pee–Enough Already!
Everybody needs exercise but stopping every 6 feet on a leash walk doesn’t get it. You’re dragging your dog; nobody is having a good time.
Read MoreMedia – Wild & Crazy Deaf Kid
Punish? Set him up for Success Question: We bought a blue heeler puppy for my son for his 13th birthday. “Bucky” is deaf. He is spunky- too much so. We’re…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – In Bad Taste – Poop Eating
Do you have a 4-legged pooper scooper? Get the lowdown on why some dogs eat stool and what you can do about this most odious habit.
Read MoreMedia – Crying for Mom
Not Ready for Boot Camp Question: My new puppy, Buddy, arrived yesterday. He has been socialized with other dogs on a regular basis because the breeder has a doggy daycare.…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Scary Monsters at your Door
Halloween is unfun for a lot of dogs. Those who bark and lunge at children put the kiddos at risk. Those who pilfer chocolate treats put themselves in danger.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dogs Fouling & Defiling the Home
Do you know an adolescent of full grown dog who still can’t find the bathroom? Maybes he eliminates outside sometimes but not always? Or you have a handyman dog –…
Read MoreMedia – Noisy Breathing Dog
Dangerous? Treatment Safe or Risky? Question: We think our dog Dakoda has laryngeal paralysis. Our veterinarian said she can have surgery but it is only 70% effective and it could…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Barking, whining, yapping! Make it Stop!
You can have a great dog who just has way too much to say. Barking is actually normal but too much of it disturbs everybody’s peace. Reprimand? Water spray? Anti…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dominance? Who’s Really in Charge?
You need to establish dominance over your dog so he’ll know that you’re in charge. Ah, no, you don’t. Dogs are not man’s and woman’s best friends because they fear…
Read MoreMedia – Guest Panic
Poop on-the-run is No Fun Question: We got our Jackson at the SPCA in Houston at 12 weeks age. When we were walking him a UPS truck scared him. Since…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Crating Saved My House or Cruel & Unusual
Dogs need a place of their own. That makes crate training important. And you don’t want your stuff damaged. Can they stay in there for a few hours? All day?
Read MoreMedia – Circling, Head Tilt
Wait & See? Question: My dog is 4 years old, weighs 4 kilograms, no fever, his name is Dodo. Yesterday, he could not go straight but circling with his head…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Panicky Puppy Problems
Crying, scratching at the door, chewing furniture and woodwork – these are not the behaviors you were looking for when you fell in love with that cute, wriggling puppy. You’ll…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Painful Pets – Find Out How to Help
Chronic arthritis, surgery, bad teeth, back and neck pain – lots of cats and dogs suffer. There are safe, modern treatments that can make a big difference. Know what to…
Read MoreMedia – Brushing for Safety
Dogs like Tasty Paste Question: Just dropped off my 10 year old Schipperke for teeth cleaning. Sounds easy, but I worry about the anesthetic. I promise to keep her teeth…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Competing Dogs “Pick me! Pick me!”
Can’t you just share some love or a snack without all the pushing, shoving, or maybe even a growl or worse? You can but your canine leadership will need some…
Read MoreMedia – Confusion & Indoor Whizzing
Teach with Reliable Structure Question: My two Shih Tzus are sisters, 4 years old, adopted last year. They are usually potty trained but I did have to replace hallway carpet…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Aging Dogs Indoor Messes
By the time they’re reached their golden years most dogs have pretty good bathroom etiquette. If they start leaving urine and stool around the house, it’s a problem. Tune-in to…
Read MoreMedia – Warts on Older Dogs
Diagnose First, then Decide if Treatment is Necessary Question: I have a cock-a-poo with several warts. Our veterinarian said to use antibiotic cream but that didn’t help. He did not…
Read MoreMedia – Alien Invasion
Can Old Cats & Young Puppies Mix? Question: We have a 15 year old cat who is well, happy and calm. In September we will receive a Golden-Doodle puppy from…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Escaping dogs
Tunneling, climbing, running off – OMG! Raise the fence? Electric wire? Let’s figure out why this is happening and help your good dog stay home and succeed. Serious anxiety needs…
Read MoreMedia – He’s Mine! She’s Mine!
Dogs Competing for Attention Question: How to help with competition between dogs for human attention? Rosebud acts like she owns me and Helmut (new dog) acts like he owns my…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Miserable Car Riding Dogs
Some dogs have excellent manners in the car. Others? Not so much. Drooling, vomiting, barking, rambunctious canine travel companions need help. YOU need help.
Read MoreMedia – Mouth Warts in Puppies
Unsightly but Rarely Dangerous Question: Do you have an opinion on what to do about papillomas in our dog Ella’s mouth and how/whether to treat with azithromycin? The dog Ella…
Read MoreMedia – Fireworks Freak-Out
Comfort Scared Pets with Good Management Startled by earsplitting blasts, many otherwise stable pets will endure almost continual panic this weekend. Scared dogs may hide, tremble, drool, cry or howl,…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Stop That! Training Better Behavior
A dog can act out in embarrassing, destructive, or even dangerous ways. If you could just teach them to stop those bad behaviors! Training can help but you’ll need to…
Read MoreMedia – Dog Aggressive to Movements of Family
Teach, Don’t Punish Question: My 2 year old female Corgi will fight any dogs or people that get too close. While she’ll let me pet her, she will not get…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Do Bad Dogs Bite?
It’s so upsetting getting bitten by a dog you love. Should you punish? What happens when the trust is lost? Maybe another home would be better – or not? Don’t…
Read MoreMedia – Grain-Free Could be Risky
Regular High Quality Pet Food is Best Question: Dr. Nichol, what are your thoughts on grain-free diets for dogs? Dr. Nichol: Well, I thought you’d never ask. Considered a fad…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Stranger Danger: Freak-Out at the Veterinary Clinic
Dogs and cats who are frightened or try to bite at the doctor’s office are at serious risk. Without medical care they face unnecessary illness or early death. But that…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Got anxiety? Your dog does too!
Panting, pacing, licking, pesky – you’re not alone. Our dogs do the same things when they get wiggy. Anxiety is more than miserable; left uncontrolled it causes internal physical disease.…
Read MoreMedia – Brute Fear
Women yes; men no Question: I just watched your YouTube video on dog PTSD. I realize that my dog’s trigger is men. We’ve had her three days and she is…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Hot skin, panting predicaments
More than miserable, blistering summer days can bring dangerous hot spots and a failure of normal panting to release body heat. Keeping our dogs safe and comfortable is about more…
Read MoreMedia – Hold Your Nose – Stinky Dogs
Yeast & Bacteria + Skin Oils Question: We have two small dogs – a Chihuahua and a terrier mix – that have a “body odor” problem. We can give them…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Love-Hate Canine Frenemies
A great friendship can go bad. Aggression between family dogs is common. And the person in-charge doing their best to break it up and make it work can make it…
Read MoreMedia – Feline Family Feud
Social Distancing is Best Question: My mother-in-law is living in nursing home/hospice. We are seeing her Miss Pearl twice a day for feeding and social time. We would love to…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Home Alone and Miserable
When dog people return to work some pets will wig-out. Anxious before stay-at-home orders they’ve now become accustomed to our secure presence. Your returning to work may cause a dog…
Read MoreMedia – Skipping Lameness
Modern Treatments – Better Healing Question: I have a 3 year old cockapoo and she was trying to jump and did something to her leg. She cried for about 30…
Read MoreMedia – Prevent Bad Behaviors
Work with COVID19 Restrictions Question: With stay home in place, what do we do if we get an 8 week puppy who needs classes and socialization? Dr. Nichol: You are…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Derail Leash Aggression
Out-of-control lunging, barking, and growling! OMG! You’re doing your best to control the mayhem but nothing changes. And besides, punishment is no fun for anybody. Dogs need to do something…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Sharpen Your Dog
A dog who obeys fast and reliably can overcome the urge to lunge and bark and lose its mind on leash walks. What if your dog automatically looked to you…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Leash Walk Freak Out
The leash walk – you’re only way of getting the heck out of the house – can be maddening and maybe even unsafe. Just seeing another creature causes your dog…
Read MoreMedia – COVID-19 in Pets
Don’t Panic-Be Careful Staying home is a real drag but if you have pets you’ll never be alone. We don’t need social distancing from them, do we? Here’s the update…
Read MoreMedia – Wild & Aggressive On-Leash
Why must a Dog Act-Out? Question: I walk my 2 year old standard poodle on a trail. He’s a great dog. When he’s on a leash he often rears up…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Outdoor Joy & Shelter in Place
We have a lot to worry about, don’t we? Our activities are restricted, we can’t go out to eat, the kids are home from school, and your 401(k) is…
Read MoreMedia – Crusty Eyes are Painful & Dry
She’d Feel Better if She Could Cry Question: One of my dogs has a crusty discharge from her eyes. It doesn’t wipe away, and when I pull it off, the…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Calm the Heebie Jeebies
We love our pets like little people in furry suits – that’s the way I feel about mine. But if we’re going to get the calm behavior we want we…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Listen to the Animals
Horses and dogs communicate with us – even if we don’t notice. They can love what we do and repay us with joy or they can react badly. Smart dogs…
Read MoreMedia – Cancer of a Dog’s Spleen
A Bleeding Malignancy: Painful and Life-Ending Question: My 17 year-old beagle was diagnosed with a splenic tumor last week. She has arthritis in her hips and knees. She is too…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Pets at Work
Build morale! A shared passion! Bring your own? Barking, biting, messes, bathroom breaks? I love office pets. The shoulds of rules and accountability.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Meeting Dogs: Hand up? Hand Down? Hand Bite?
We love dogs and so do our kids. When encountering a canine beauty with a gently wagging tail you want to make friends and rub his fuzzy little head. Are…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Anxious & Acting-Out
Anxiety can also make a dog crazy. It’s different for dogs than it is for humans but being a little nervous about what might be lurking around the next corner…
Read MoreMedia – Wild Barking & Chasing
What’s Better than Yelling? Question: I have a Chihuahua who wants to attack everyone. In the car she goes crazy; she barks at everyone on the street. She doesn’t stop…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Therapy Kid Dogs
Kids and pets – What a great way of bringing out the best in children with emotional or behavioral challenges! But there may be stresses to the dog and risks…
Read MoreMedia – Wigged-Out on the Road
Treat the Cause Question: Our two-year-old Golden retriever is totally unhappy traveling in any vehicle, including our motorhome; which is a shame because we travel a lot. We tried giving…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Gift Pets: Good Idea? Bad Idea?
You’ve found the perfect pet for someone really special. In your mind you can already see them together! Watching the wriggling box get unwrapped and that look of astonishment and…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Big Dog Bloat
A twisted stomach, filling with gas is a painful medical and surgical emergency. If you have a large breed, deep chested dog you need the facts on bloat, also called…
Read MoreMedia – Bury dem Bones
Risky Chew Toys Question: Our large and lovable but frisky black Lab gets mischievous once in a while. Taking him for walks does wonders; the first half of the trip…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Painful or Freaked-Out when Alone
Our pets bring us so much joy when they’re active and playful. When these characters are at peace, I am too. But if they have pain or if they struggle…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dogs, Family Gatherings Overwhelmed & Badly Behaved
Hey-it’s a holiday. Let the good times roll! Maybe not for everybody. Some pets get badly unsettled and engage in unhealthy and dangerous behaviors because they’re nervous or scared. The…
Read MoreMedia – Holidays Happen
Keep it Safe I can’t wait for Thanksgiving: Family, turkey, pie, and political football. Well, maybe for you and me. Keep a close eye on your pets. Tense body postures…
Read MoreMedia – Silent Suffering Cats
Chronic Pain can Dog your Cat Do you know anyone “of a certain age” with chronic pain? Most people don’t keep it a secret. Dogs don’t suffer silently either. You’ll…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Love that Mushed Face
Pugs, Boston terriers, bulldogs and their short-faced brethren have strong bonds with their people. That’s a good thing for everybody in part because these dogs can face physical challenges. Give…
Read MoreMedia – Crate Nightmare
Separation Anxiety is Not Solved by Confinement Question: My dog is so anxious in his crate. Dr. Nichol: Crates have become popular for keeping dogs out of trouble but confinement…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Strangers in the Night – Freak Out at the Door
For dogs who react badly to visitors at the door, Halloween can be the worst. Yell, “NO!”? Jerk the leash? I’ll teach you how to set your dog up to…
Read MoreMedia – Bladder Pain – Dangerous Stones
Rx Diet + Lots of Water Question: My Shih Tzu could not urinate because he had stones in his bladder. His veterinarian removed those stones but they are calcium oxalate…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Fear Agitation – Help on the Spot
It’s not about you; your pet’s brain needs to calm down. But when you relax – your dog or cat will feel better too.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Natural Behavioral Remedies
Anxiety can be crippling. If one of us doesn’t have a major problem with intense worry we know someone who does. It’s the most common behavior disorder of humans –…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Separation Anxiety – Non Drug Treatment
Dogs with separation anxiety have a serious problem. I get it. I’ve come home to the sound of my dog Hazel barking and whining. As soon as I opened the…
Read MoreMedia – Doorway Freak-Out
Special Care is needed for Emotional Abuse Question: We have a Lab mix 2 years old. She’s had issues with trust but has done well, always sleeping inside. While my…
Read MoreMedia – Painful Crashing & Quick Recover
Neurologic & Heart Disorders Need Special Care Question: My little girl terrier has been having seizures; that’s what I’m calling them. It’s starts as if she’s losing her balance and…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Hit the Road Jack Part 2
Dogs who Escape their Yards: Why do they do this? You need to get this under control but it’s about more than a sturdy fence.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Hit the Road Jack Part 1
Dogs who Escape their Yards: Why do they do this? You need to get this under control but it’s about more than a sturdy fence.
Read MoreMedia – Pig Ear Pickle
Serious Infections I’ve cared for multiple species during my career, including a few pigs. To my knowledge, no person has fed dog ears to their pigs but, sadly, the opposite…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Squabbling – Even Fighting for Attention
Dogs don’t get jealous; they actually believe that affection is scarce. Don’t they know that your love is limitless? Well, no they don’t. They think differently. But you can be…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Children & Dog Bites
This is serious business. We want our dogs to be trustworthy with children despite kids being, well, kids.
Read MoreMedia – Big Active Dog Acts Bad on Leash
She can Work to Earn Question: I adopted my lab mix at age 3 months. She has been dominant, aggressive, independent, and a bully from the beginning. She is now…
Read MoreMedia – Big Dogs & Painful Joints
Rapid Growth & the Wrong Food Well-intentioned pet parents dabbled in dog and cat nutrition long before the surge in popularity of raw and grain-free diets. This is no job…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Death by Summer Heat
Heat stroke can end a life quickly – And it’s about more than just hot cars
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Barking, yapping, whining, yelping
It’s driving you crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy… Trash and canine trash talking cause more human angst than theft, murders and all the rest of the mayhem.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Feral & Freaked-Out
Adoption Isn’t for Everybody. Some dogs with feral backgrounds are so terrified that defensive aggression is easily triggered. Others try to hide or escape. There are undomesticated dogs who can…
Read MoreMedia – Grain-Free Risks
Heart Disease Related to some Diets The growing popularity of grain-free diets for dogs has worried many veterinarians for quite a while. The FDA, along with independent researchers, has…
Read MoreMedia – Wild and Car Crazy
Question: I need help controlling my Sunny in a car. I have had big dogs all my life but never had this problem and it’s getting scary to travel and…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Incoming Fire – Wigged-Out Jittery Pets
The rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air mean Independence Day for you and me but our pets that just isn’t so. They think that the end is near.…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – The Handyman Dog
Do you have a dog who does odd jobs around the house & then makes a bolt for the door? Indoor toileting: Is it Spite? Confusion? Dementia? Anxiety? Let’s get…
Read MoreMedia – Fighting Family Dogs
Dangerous to Each Other & People Question: My 2 dogs have been together for 2.5 years. The female has always be passive before the male, however in the last month…
Read MoreMedia – Raiding Dangerous Snacks
Beware of Sugar Substitutes in Prepared Foods Did you know that dogs and cats are not little people in furry suits? They’re like us in a lot of ways. They…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Canine Graffiti Artists – Inside & Out
Urine marking: Correct it? Live with it? A compassionate and effective meeting of the minds is in order.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Foxtails: That’s Tails, not Tales
Aggressive grass awns invade the bodies of dogs and cats.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – FBL Elderly Pet Confusion
Normal Aging? Dementia? Barking, pacing, clingy, soiling? Older dogs and cats who cry, act lost, and stare at walls are not normal. We can help but our best improvements are…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dogs who Wet their Pants
More commonly seen in young, often female dogs, they roll onto their sides, may raise one rear leg, and dribble. You, the pet parent, are the Grand Poobah for your…
Read MoreMedia – Hot Dogs for Every Meal
Fussy or Sick? Question: We have a dog that we have difficulty feeding. He is a very finicky eater. Most of the time he’ll eat frankfurters but nothing else. We…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Intense Fear PTSD in Dogs
Severe reactions, nightmares, escape attempts; even aggression can indicate PTSD in dogs. Harsh training methods or physical trauma can provoke this lifelong disorder. There is help for this tough problem.
Read MoreMedia – Night Terrors – Electric Shock
PTSD is Treatable Question: We have a golden retriever that was given to us when he was 1 1/2 years old. In his previous life, he was taken to two…
Read MoreMedia – Clipping Male Dogs
Neutering is Best Question: Recently a neighbor got a dog from a shelter and “Rowdy” was a what ‘appeared’ to be an intact male. But the new owner said that…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Mama’s Empathic Example
Kindness can be found everywhere from chimpanzees to dog, cats, and people.
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Dog Safe with Kids? Have Fun – Be Watchful
Most dogs are happy to come when called but some can feel afraid. A child can understand empathy and respect for personal boundaries while playing nicely. We all feel afraid…
Read MoreMedia – Rattlesnake Bites
Teach Avoidance without Electric Shock Question: Do you have information on humane rattlesnake “proofing” techniques for dogs? It seems to me that keeping your dog on leash would be a…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Pets & Kids Make it Safe – Keep it Fun
Make it Safe – Keep it Fun. Did you ever do dumb things when you were a kid? I never did. Well, ah yes, actually I did. I have two…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Blog – Time-Out: Everybody Gets a Break
Dogs need Good Manners Some dogs follow their person’s lead and happily go along with just about anything. Others struggle to do the right thing, needing a bit more hands-on…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Time Out for Nutball – Everybody needs to Feel Better
A dog will believe that any response from its person is an earned reinforcer. That’s why reprimands and punishments fail. To stop digging the hole even deeper you’ll need to…
Read MoreMedia – Stop, pee, stop, pee, stop, pee, repeat
Something for Everybody Question: My nephew and I both have large male dogs. I told him that when I take our 100# black Labrador for a walk, he sniffs, browses…
Read MoreMedia – Overdose: Vitamin D in Dog Foods
Check with FDA Mistakes happen. Multiple dog food brands have been found to contain excessive levels of the essential nutrient vitamin D. Some have 70 times the correct amount. Don’t…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Blog – We Speak – Dogs Watch
They’re good listeners too Why do dogs follow commands like sit and stay if they don’t understand English? When we speak are they processing the words we’re saying or the…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – We Speak – Dogs Watch
They’re good listeners too Why do dogs follow commands like sit and stay if they don’t understand English? When we speak are dogs processing the words we are saying, or…
Read MoreMedia – Food Fight
Prevent It; Don’t Punish It Question: I have a 3 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He has been getting aggressive towards my other two dogs, Malteses, about his food.…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Blog – Mouthy, Nippy, Chewy – Part 3
Fufu’s sharp teeth and nails had scratched and scraped his people enough times that they were reluctant to handle the little guy. It was painful for them. They needed the…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Holiday Disasters & Near Misses
You’ve done your best but somebody in your house ate a poinsettia or a chocolate Santa. And what about New Year’s Eve fireworks? Share with your friends. Together we’ll survive…
Read MoreAlbuquerque Journal Article – Celebratory Bombing Raid
Pets ready for Fireworks? In the next few days many of us will be treated to (or cursed by) fireworks and even a few skyward gunshots, all to improve our…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Blog – Mouthy, Nippy, Chewy
Facebook Live Do your pets crack under holiday pressure? You can ask me anything or just listen in during my Facebook Live event, called “Pet Angst: Naughty or Nice?” at…
Read MoreAlbuquerque Journal Article – Shocking Food Fights
Avoid Innate Competition Question: I have a 55# pit mix, Molly, with food guarding. I have pet gates set up for feeding to avoid conflict but recently the gate got…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Podcast – Greeting Pee
Jack was a 2 year old female dog, a Heinz 57. This kid was as sweet as they come, adapting pretty well to her second family except for one really…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Blog – Greeting Pee
Do you have a great dog who is everything you’ve ever wanted in man’s or woman’s best friend – except for one really annoying problem? Some dogs wag when greeting…
Read MoreAlbuquerque Journal Article – Imposters and Monsters and Chocolate, Oh My!
Halloween can be Scary and Dangerous The idea of Halloween is rather appealing. It’s fully legal and socially acceptable to assume a different identity. If you are underage you can…
Read MorePodcast – Fear and Anxiety
Dogs are man’s and woman’s best friends but there are differences. Unlike most of us they walk on all 4s and they’re somewhat hairier. But like us they’re genetically programmed…
Read MoreAlbuquerque Journal Article – To neuter or not to neuter?
Hey – wasn’t that settled a long time ago? The oversupply of pets hasn’t gone away. The behavioral benefits of spaying and neutering are clear. Roaming, urine marking/spraying, and aggression…
Read MoreAlbuquerque Journal Article – Save your pup from balloon botheration
Balloons Fiesta is a great spectacle for us, but it’s not much of a wingding for pets who freak-out from those cosmic monsters leering and looming over them. Even the…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Blog – Fear and Anxiety
I was just 8 years old when I made my first trip to the animal hospital with my new puppy. I felt inspired by the doctor who examined him. He…
Read MoreAlbuquerque Journal Article – Poop Eating
Breed-Specific Work is Necessary Question: How can you stop heelers from eating their feces (and that of turkeys, geese, plus dirt, plants, etc.)? My friend’s 7 month old heeler is…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Video – Puppy Planning – Dominance is for Weenies
During Luna’s first weeks she missed out on gentle social exposures, causing her to be afraid when approached by anyone. Well-meaning human attempts to make friends triggered defensive lunging and…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Podcast – Why are Dogs such Animals? I’ve tried Everything!
We share strong bonds with our dogs and cats but there are significant differences between them and their people. Many pet parents get help for behavior problems early but some…
Read MoreDr. Nichol’s Blog – Why are Dogs such Animals? I’ve tried Everything!
Over my career there has been a person as an essential component of every pet I’ve treated. It has been a rare four-legged creature who has walked into my office…
Read MoreAlbuquerque Journal Article – Puppy Planning: Dominance is for Weenies
During Luna’s earliest weeks of life, long before being left at the shelter, she missed out on gentle social exposures, causing her to be afraid when approached by anyone. Well-meaning…
Read MoreAggression between Family Dogs
Act Early & Be Careful Question: I have 2 dogs that have been together for 2.5 years. The female has always be passive before the male, however in the last…
Read MoreAggressive Dog on Owners’ Beds
Give Dog her own Bed; Avoid Punishment Question: Usually at night my 8-month young mini pinscher sleeps in my brother’s bed and if someone passes by the room she jumps…
Read MoreClipper Burns
Heal well with Careful Treatment Question: We have a Rhodesian ridgeback, chow, Sheppard mix. I made the error of shaving his coat. Now these red bloody abrasions keep appearing. Dr.…
Read MoreRetained Baby Teeth
Early Extraction is Safest Question: I discovered that Rocky (5 month old Jack Russell) is growing his adult canine teeth however his baby teeth are not coming out. Will they…
Read MoreTeaching Good Manners
Pet parents of well-mannered dogs always wear that contented, all-is-right-in-my-world look. Sure, they’re lucky, but they’ve done a few things right too. Some of their secrets are listed here. These…
Read MoreSoiling When Your Dog Is Alone
A whole lot can happen in your dog’s life while you’re away. You can manage bathroom etiquette infractions effectively with kindness and empathy. There is no way for a dog…
Read MoreStealth Canine Soiling
A dog who sneaks off to do odd jobs may be the most maddening creature to have as a housemate. If you’ve already made the mistake of hauling him to…
Read MoreFighting Among Household Dogs
Few things are more unnerving than dogs you love trying to hurt each other. These attacks may seem to happen out of the blue but there are important reasons for…
Read MoreWhy Dogs Bite
Violence, fear, and physical injury are without question, the most difficult challenges you and your dog could ever face. This is very hard for us emotional creatures. We bring dogs…
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